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Section Day at the Collectie Centrum Nederland (CCNL) organised by the OSK (Onderzoeksschool Kunstgeschiedenis) section Studio Practice & History of Art. The day focuses on recent and ongoing research into the (historical) workshop practice and production of textiles.
Event details of OSK | Studio Practice & History of Art Production
23 November 2023
09:00 -18:00
Jurk van Texel (© Photo: Emmy de Groot)

The day encompasses lectures on the making of tapestries, clothing and canvases, dyeing practices for textiles and their quality control, the profession of tailors and ‘Tapissiers’, the weaving workshops by Bauhaus textile artist Gunta Stötzl, and about textile as a material and source of inspiration for contemporary artists. The day will be concluded by a guided tour of textile objects in the depots of the Rijksmuseum and the Cultural Heritage Agency at CCNL.


Collectie Centrum Nederland (CCNL)
Verbindingsweg 1
Amersfoort (10 min walk from Amersfoort Vathorst)

Preliminary program  

09.00 – 09.30 Entry and registration
09.30 – 12.00 Morning program
  Margriet van Eikema Hommes (Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands)

Zofia Zhang (University of Amsterdam)
Condition and risk assessment of textile samples in the Stalenboeken van de Lakenhal

Jos Beerens (Netherlands Institute for Art History)
Woven in Gouda: Tapestry production in Gouda in the seventeenth century

Art Proano Gabor (Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands)
Tapestry The Relief of Leiden: history, materials and restoration insights

Ana Serrano (University of Amsterdam)
From fine brocades to crimson velvets: A lavish group of mid-17th-century silks found in the Wadden Sea, North Holland

Susan Smelt, Rob Erdmann (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam), Ingeborg Meijssen (Ingeborg Meijssen Textiles)
Canvassing the making. Understanding plain woven canvases of old master paintings by handweaving and analysing reconstructions.

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Afternoon program
  Bianca du Mortier (formerly Rijksmuseum Amsterdam)
Tailors: their position & craftsmanship in the Northern Netherlands around 1600

Aagje Gosliga (Leiden University; Gosliga Kunsthistorisch Onderzoek)
Sieur Bimont’s “Principes de l’art du tapissier” as a source for technical knowledge of upholstery

Mirjam Dekkers (University of Groningen)
Gunta Stölzl’s Weaving Workshops from Germany to Switzerland

Gijs Frieling (Muralist; Atelier Rijksbouwmeester)
Imagination and ornament

15.00 – 15.30 Tea
15.30 – 17.00 Guided tour in the depots of the Rijksmuseum and the Cultural Heritage Agency in CCNL
17.00 – 18.00 Drinks at CCNL