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How to apply

Please keep in mind that it is not possible to apply for the pre-Master’s programme or online courses independently. You have to submit a full application for the (Research) Master’s programme in Communication Science first and subsequently the admissions board will decide whether you are directly admissible or whether you might qualify for a pre-Master’s programme. You can check the entry requirements of the Master's programme on above mentioned websites to get an indication of the possible outcome.

When you have the right undergraduate qualifications (academic level and background) but a lack of knowledge and experience in the required areas, the Admissions Board may consider conditionally admitting you. If you are conditionally admitted, that means you have to complete a pre-Master's programme or online course prior to your (Research) Master’s. If this is the case, you will receive an invitation for the pre-Master or online course. On this page you will find information about the different options.

Important: Students with a Bachelor’s degree obtained at a university of applied sciences (HBO) or equivalent cannot be admitted to the (pre-)Master’s. They can opt for the short-track Bachelor's programme, read more information about this below.

1. Pre-Master's study programme

The pre-Master's programme includes a maximum of 30 EC and takes one semester to complete. An academic year at University of Amsterdam is divided in two semesters: semester 1 (September-January) and semester 2 (February-August). After completion of your pre-Master's programme, the earliest official start of the Master’s programme is the next semester.

You may be required to complete one, two or all three of the following courses of the pre-Master's programme:

  • Foundations of Communication Science
    Period 1
    Period 2
  • Quantitative Research for Communication Science
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Mastering your Master's
    Period 1
    Period 2
Courses can be found in the online UvA Course Catalogue

2. Online course: Foundations of Communication Science

When you have a broad background in social behavioural science theories, but you do not yet meet all our admission requirements you may be given the option to complete the Online Foundations of Communication Science. The online course is an intensive 2 week introduction course in the area of Communication Science and can be followed at home via online clips. The online course takes place in the month prior to the intended start of the Master’s programme (August or January). 

Graduates from universities of applied sciences (hbo) in the Netherlands

Students with a Bachelor’s degree obtained at a University of Applied Sciences (hbo) or equivalent cannot be admitted to the (pre-)Master’s. They may opt for taking the short-track Bachelor's programme first to meet the criteria, and then re-apply for the Master's programme. This short-track Bachelor’s (verkorte bachelor) is taught in Dutch only. For more information, see

Tuition fee

For pre-Master’s programmes, you will pay tuition fees per course (each course consists of a number of EC credits). The tuition fees will be calculated after we receive certified copies of your previous degree and final transcript. Read more about the tuition fee for the pre-Master’s programme.

No retake possible

It is not possible to retake courses in the pre-Master’s programme. This means that you must successfully complete the pre-Master’s programme within one semester. If you do not complete your pre-Master’s programme within one semester, you are not admissible for the (Research) Master’s in Communication Science and will be rejected for the (Research) Master’s programme.


If you have questions about the pre-Master's programme, please contact our study advisers.

Frequently asked questions
Facts & Figures
Language of instruction
Conditions for admission
Preliminary training necessary
Starts in
February, September