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In the courses Practical Philosophy 1 and 2 you will learn about normative theories about the good life and about moral obligation, and about the role of emotions and virtues in moral life (ethics). Furthermore, you will get an introduction into social and political philosophy, dealing with questions about living together. What is a just society? When can political institutions be considered legitimate? What is the role of power structures in social relations?

In the course Exploring the History of Philosophy you will acquire an overview of the history of philosophy. Furthermore you will follow 12 EC of more specialist courses in the field of practical philosophy.

This minor is offered by the Faculty of Humanities. The faculty’s minors consist of 30 ECTS credits and earn you a second qualification that will be listed on the transcript accompanying your degree certificate. 

After placement, you will be contacted by the education desk concerning the possibility of extending the minor to a 60 EC programme.

Study Schedule

  • Practical Philosophy 1
    Period 1
  • Practical Philosophy 2
    Period 2
  • Critical explorations in the History of Philosophy
    Period 3
  • Democracy and Diversity
    Period 4
  • Restrictive course elective
    Period 5

    You can choose between 'Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Intersectionality' and 'Philosophy of Political Actuality'.

Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: Minor Practical Philosophy

Master's programmes

This minor may serve as a good preparation for academic Bachelor’s students in the social sciences or the humanities who want to apply for admission to the two year Master's programme Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences, provided that they have also taken a course in philosophy of science in their Bachelor's programme. 

The minor Practical Philosophy can be extended to 60 EC. If you have an academic Bachelor's degree other than Philosophy, the extended minor will make you eligible for admission to the Master’s programme Philosophy / Filosofie.  If you are interested in extending the minor, please contact the study adviser (choose the Bachelor's in Philosophy in the dropdown menu).

Always check the entry requirements on the Application and Admission page of the Master’s programme you are interested in.

Entry requirements

This minor is open for application to students who have obtained an academic first-year diploma or a positive Binding Study Advice from an academic Bachelor's programme. This entails that you must have obtained at least 48 EC in your propaedeutic year.

The minor is also open for application to students from a Dutch University of Applied Sciences (HBO) who have completed their propaedeutic year. However, HBO students are not eligible for admission to a Master's programme in Philosophy, even after completing this minor. If you are an HBO student and would like to prepare for a Master's programme at the UvA, please check our range of pre-Master's programmes.


The registration period for a minor in the academic year 2025-2026 is 1 April - 13 May 2025.
Information about the application proceduce will soon be published on this webpage.

Facts & Figures
30 ECTS,
Language of instruction
Starts in
University Quarter