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With a Master’s degree in Human Geography or Urban and Regional Planning, you'll be equipped for your future career as a geographer or urban planner, with excellent national and international career opportunities. Possibilities include public service, the corporate sector, and non-profit organisations. The Spatial Sustainability Studies track, in particular, gives you the tools to approach sustainability and justice challenges in an integrative manner and to make the connection between analysis and intervention.

Where do our graduates work?

After graduating from the Master’s programme in Spatial Sustainability Studies you will have a broad range of skills, such as practical knowledge of research methods, analytical thinking, and the capacity to translate academic insights into real-world projects and solutions towards sustainability and justice in a global context, which are valued in many different professional paths.  

To graduate as either a Human Geographer or an Urban Planner opens doors to versatile career opportunities in both fields: municipalities, research institutes, NGO's, and private companies.  

Discover a selection of career paths taken by our alumni: 

  • Consultancy and research firms  

  • Government agencies   

  • International environmental agencies  

  • Spatial planning and sustainability departments    

  • Educational organisations   


Your diploma is not a farewell

After graduating, you don't have to say goodbye to the University of Amsterdam! We are happy to help you develop your career. You can join the young alumni programme, which will assist you in mapping out your career. And as an alumnus, you can also still use the Student Careers Centre.  

UvA Student Careers Centre

The Student Careers Centre is there to help with your career development. You can contact them to discuss your options, ambitions and doubts at any time during your studies.