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''I wanted to apply the knowledge I gained during my bachelor's degree in a practical setting.''
Testimonial Flora Parragi

Flora Parragi, 24, Bachelor's degree in Psychology at the UvA (specialised in Brain and Cognition)

Why did you choose this study? I was unsure whether I wanted to stay fully in academia and pursue a PhD. I wanted to apply the knowledge I gained during my bachelor's degree in a practical setting. The master's program offered exactly that, with a very interesting and hands-on curriculum.

Why at the University of Amsterdam (UvA)? I did my bachelor's at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and really enjoyed it. I appreciated the research approach and found the possibility of applying that knowledge very interesting. Additionally, I knew the teachers who would be teaching the master's program, and I knew that I would receive high-quality content from them.

What should students take into account? It is a very hands-on and novel master's program. You have to get out of your comfort zone in various ways: presenting in front of the class, coming up with new ideas, thinking outside the box, using new technologies, etc. Creativity, proactiveness, and innovative thinking are essential.