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This one-year programme (60 EC) consists of two semesters, during which you will explore globally relevant core themes and skills about youth at risk. First and foremost, you will learn that child and adolescent development is inherently social in nature. Another core theme of this track is the preventive focus on youth development.
  • Resilience and risk processes in children and adolescents
    Period 1

    Explore risk and resilience in childhood and adolescence, analysing interactions between individual factors and environments, including family, school, and society. This course delves into biological, psychological, and social aspects, covering development from prenatal stages to emerging adulthood.

  • School Adjustment
    Period 1

    Discover how schools impact children's academic and social-emotional development. This course explores challenges and interventions, analysing factors like background and abilities that influence school success, and discusses strategies to enhance school adjustment.

  • Intervention essentials: effects, implementation and diversity
    Period 2

    Explore effective interventions for children and adolescents in diverse contexts. This course focuses on evidence-based strategies, assessing intervention outcomes, and understanding the impact of factors like cultural backgrounds and cost-effectiveness. You'll analyse various interventions and create a critical assessment video as part of the learning process.

  • Parent and peer influences in youth development
    Period 2

    Discover the impact of parents and peers on child and adolescent development in diverse contexts. This course delves into early adversity, family dynamics, and the evolving role of peers. Explore how youths shape their development while navigating various family structures and cultural influences.

  • Masterclass methods and statistics
    Period 3

    Enhance your communication skills for effective professional interactions. This course emphasizes communication techniques, feedback exchange, and coaching abilities. Gain self-awareness and practice a range of communication tools in real-life scenarios, fostering a strong professional demeanor.

  • Masterclass professional skills
    Period 3
  • Restricted-choice electives
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    There are 2 options to complete your mandatory electives of 12 ec's: 1. do an internship 2. complete the course 'Developing Preventive Interventions'

  • Masterthesis Youth at risk
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    This course equips students with skills to conduct in-depth research for their master's thesis, encompassing theoretical insights, data measurement, analysis, and ethical considerations. You'll learn to independently develop and execute research plans, critically reflect on methods, and effectively communicate findings. The focus is on the theme of Youth at Risk, fostering autonomous and comprehensive research capabilities with guidance from supervisors.

Compulsory course
Go to the UvA Course catalogue
Pim Looze, former student Youth at Risk
Copyright: Pim Looze
Youth at Risk touches on the most important contexts of young people. It gives you a good insight into the mechanisms that can put youngsters at risk. Read about Pim's experience
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