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Master’s and conversion programme coordinator

Would you like to have more information regarding the conversion programme, please contact the coordinator Mr. E. Joukes by e-mail (

Digital Student Service Desk

If you have general questions the Digital Student Service Desk (DSSD) is your first point of contact. They can help with questions about choosing a study, applying in Studielink, scholarships, tuition fees, housing, and studying abroad. 

Study adviser

You can send an email using the Digital Student Service Desk. Mention that you want to talk to a study adviser and request confidentiality. Your email will be sent directly to the study adviser.

For simple questions/problems you can contact our consultation hour by phone on Tuesday and Thursday from 11.00-13.00 Tuesday and Thursday, 11.00 am - 13.00 pm: +31 20 566 4779


Amsterdam UMC - location AMC (Faculty of Medicine)

Meibergdreef 15
1105 AZ Amsterdam

Explore your campus

Want to see where you will be studying? Explore the campus in our virtual map.