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Who better than our students and staff can give you an insight into the Master’s programme Law & Finance and studying at the Amsterdam Law School? Read below what they have to say.

Meet our students

Quan Nguyen

Quan Nguyen (Vietnam), Law & Finance graduate

‘My decision to partake in this programme was straight forward. I wanted to join a postgraduate law study that would prepare me to become a 21st century legal scholar. The Master in Law & Finance is exactly the programme to deliver upon this desire. Underpinned by its unique interdisciplinary nature, the Master in Law & Finance will prepare you to tackle contemporary issues in law and finance that extends beyond the letter of the law.’

Simone Spijkerman

Simone Spijkerman (Netherlands), Law & Finance graduate

‘The interdisciplinarity of this Master’s programme makes it a challenging but also very rewarding experience. The programme teaches you skills that are useful for many different careers. I especially liked its critical approach, which I hope to continue to apply in the future.’

Portrait of Rafailia Gkilla, Master's student Law and Finance

Rafailia Gkilla (Greece), Master’s Law & Finance graduate

‘My participation in the master programme of Law & Finance validated the expectations I had as a law student to familiarise myself with basic financial concepts, as well as with modern economic issues and topics. The mix of law and finance gave me the opportunity to think ‘out of the box’ and the financial knowledge I gained has boosted my confidence to confront the ‘fear’ every lawyer has when asked to work with numbers! Most importantly, this master programme opened new career opportunities for me, increasing my understanding on how the business world and financial system works.’

Luis Mendes

Luís Mendes (Portugal), Law & Finance graduate

‘The Master’s programme Law & Finance is a contemporary, challenging, and holistic programme that will prepare students to understand and deal with the complexities of our modern financial world. This programme helped me to better understand how law and finance, traditionally seen as separate, are deeply intertwined and affected by each other. Following completion of the programme, I am confident that I am better positioned to undertake a career in the legal or financial sectors, bringing a unique financial-legal perspective to the workplace.’

Where are our students from?

(Example shown: cohort 3)

Cirkeldiagram met het percentage Nederlandse en het percentage internationale studenten