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Why study Jewish Studies at the UvA?

Situated in a city rich in Jewish life 


Amsterdam has a vibrant Jewish community and rich infrastructure, including institutions like the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, Ets Haim/Livraria Montezinos, Jewish Historical Museum and Municipal Archive.

Opportunities for collaboration 

The UvA and partner institutions have extensive collections. Our students can therefore work with original primary sources in Amsterdam's Jewish heritage collections.

Winter School 

The programme offers the annual International Winter School in Jewish Studies, an excursion to a location somewhere else in Europe or Israel.

Excellent career preparation

The programme maintains excellent connections with academic and Jewish institutions around the world. Thanks to the staff’s broad networks, most graduates find jobs in their area of expertise.

Is Jewish Studies right for you?

  1. You are interested in Jewish culture in all its varieties, both past and present.
  2. You love doing independent research and know how to formulate consistent and functional research questions, collect material, apply theory and write a convincing argumentation. 
  3. You are not afraid of complexities and eager to analyze Jewish histories and cultures from a variety of perspectives.
  4. You are interested in the intersection of Jewish studies and contemporary societal questions.  
Prof. dr. Irene Zwiep
Copyright: Irene Zwiep
To show the complexity behind the stereotype, that's why I do Jewish history. Prof. dr. Irene Zwiep Profile page Prof. dr. Irene Zwiep

Degree certificate

Middle Eastern Studies is an accredited degree Master’s programme. After successful completion of the Jewish Studies specialisation, you will receive a legally accredited Master’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies and the title Master of Arts (MA).

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MA Middle Eastern Studies
Regular study programme
60 ECTS ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
University Quarter