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Why study International Trade and Investment Law at the UvA?
Legal rules that govern economic relations between states and regions

Focus on the rules of the WTO and international treaties

The Master's in International Trade and Investment Law focuses on the rules of the Geneva-based World Trade Organization (WTO) and the international treaties governing foreign investment.
Participate in a moot court or do an internship

Experiential education

Students will take a practical course on trade or investment. Guided by lecturers with experience in international adjudication and rule-making, students assume the role of lawyers, diplomats or adjudicators.
Excellent opportunity to engage in interesting legal debates

International environment and small sized classroom

We have students from around the world. This way you can challenge yourself and broaden your horizon as a part of an international study environment.
Amsterdam International Law Clinic where you work under the guidance of clinical staff

Work on public interest cases for NGOs and other clients

The AILC is a unique opportunity to study law and lawyering in context. In the clinic, you work with real clients on real cases, under close supervision of clinical educators and lecturers.

Is this programme for you?

  1. You feel challenged by an international career and solving and mastering the problems of a new legal field.
  2. You are interested in the economic aspects of international trade and law and want to become a lawyer that really makes a difference.
  3. You would like to specialize in either trade law or investment law.
  4. You are interested in public international law in an economic setting and eager to learn how law works out at the global level in an economy.
Copyright: FdR
This Master’s struck a perfect balance between theory and practice Loek Foster, LLM International Trade and Investment Law ’18 Read more stories from students
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Discover the other tracks

Did you know that International Trade and Investment Law is part of the Master's programme International and European Law? European Union LawPublic International Law and European Competition Law and Regulation are also tracks of this programme.

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
LLM International and European law
Regular study programme
Full-time, part-time
60 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
RIO code
Roeterseiland campus