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In the Master’s in Identity and Integration you will gain the in-depth theoretical knowledge on European history and culture necessary to study tensions and conflicts in Europe, and to understand contemporary debates about European integration and identity. You will explore intersections of culture and politics by focusing mainly on four topics: nationalism and national identities, transnational manifestations of European culture, the changing idea of Europe and European identity, and the employment of culture in community-building policies and practices in the EU.

Develop your academic skills 

You will further develop your writing, presentation and research skills, and you will train your organisational skills in the preparation and execution of a study trip to a European Capital of Culture. As part of an international classroom, you will be trained in intercultural and interlingual skills. With these skills, and the knowledge and approach you learn during the programme, you will build a unique expertise in European culture and history that is highly relevant to many parts of Europe’s work environment, whether in the field of culture, politics, media or business. 

Dr. Krisztina Lajosi-Moore
Copyright: onbekend
Our programme explores contemporary intersections between culture and polity, media and identity, and race and state. Given the recent resurgence of nationalism worldwide and the increasing popularity of radical right- and left-wing parties, it is vitally important to understand the tensions between the global and the local that find expression in issues such as nationalism, populism, identity politics, and social media. Dr. Krisztina Lajosi-Moore

Programme structure

In the first two blocks of semester 1 students take three mandatory courses of the MA programme, as well as two electives. The mandatory skills seminar runs from early October to the end of April, and results in a study trip to one of the European Cultural Capitals. In the second semester, students take two more electives and write their thesis.

  • Imagining the Nation: Cultures of Nationalism
    Period 1

    This course offers an analytic and critical framework for understanding the importance of nationhood and dynamics of national identities in the political debates that have shaped Europe and the world in the past two centuries.

  • Imagining Europe: Ideologies and Power
    Period 2

    This course discusses the diversity of European thought, of competing ideas about European identity, of schemes for European unity, as well as the ways in which such ideas were communicated across Europe.

  • Skills Seminar: European Capitals of Culture
    Period 3

    This course studies the EU ECOC programme. Students gain knowledge about EU’s cultural policies and train their more practical skills by organising and programming a symposium with expert speakers and a study trip to the European Cultural Capital.

  • Restricted-choice electives: Identity and Integration
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 4
    Period 5

    The electives complement the core courses of Identity and Integration. They add to the interdisciplinary approach to studying European culture and history and allow students to pursue specific interests in terms of themes, periods, regions and methods. It is required to take at least two 'resticted-choice electives' which are bound to the Identity and Identity programme (equal to a total of 12 ECTS). The other two electives can be 'free electives', chosen from the offer of courses of the European studies Deparment or the Faculty of Humanities at large.

  • Free-choice electives
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
  • Master's Thesis European Studies
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    You complete the Identity and Integration programme by executing your own in-depth research project. We will help you find a suitable thesis supervisor. Upon completion, you will have gained profound understanding of the complexity of a theme of your own choice and you will have mastered the necessary skills to conduct independent research in this field.

Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: Identity and Integration

Check the schedule

Wondering what your weekly schedule will look like as a master's student Identity and Integration? Download the illustrative timetable and get an impression of the contact hours, balance between weekdays and your spare time.

Dr Marleen Rensen
Copyright: onbekend
Our students particularly appreciate the study trip to one of the European Cultural Capitals like Matera, Rijeka and Novi Sad. This provides the unique opportunity to meet policy makers, artists and city administrators, and to study how culture in European cities intersects with issues of identity, social cohesion, sustainability and the economy. Dr Marleen Rensen
Frequently Asked Questions