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Before starting in forensic science, I completed a double bachelor’s in mathematics and (astro)physics. During my bachelor's studies, I realised that I wanted to pursue something with a more direct impact on society, so I began looking for potential master’s programs. When I came across the UvA Forensic Science program, I immediately knew that this was what I wanted to do after graduation. 

I started the master’s program in 2023. The programme pleasantly surprised me, as I had only ever experienced traditional lectures. A mock crime scene and a moot court defense are just a few of the things that make this master's special and unique. There is a strong emphasis on group work and I really appreciate the variety of topics offered to students. The first year comprises courses that span almost every scientific discipline used in forensics. There are a lot of guest lectures given by experts from the field. Since students from all kinds of scientific backgrounds enroll, there is a lot of interdisciplinary collaboration, which is a very strong point of the program. 

Student Tijn Ansems

I am planning to do my research internship at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) in my second year. I have become very interested in cybercrime investigations and digital forensics, so I would like to do my internship in the digital trace department. I am considering focusing my internship on cracking passwords of encrypted phones seized from criminals. This is a highly interesting and current topic, as large cases involving encrypted phones and networks, such as Ennetcom and Encrochat, have been extensively covered in the news in recent years. 
After completing my master’s, I would like to work either with the police as a forensic-, tactical-, or digital investigator, or at the NFI as a forensic expert. I am looking forward to using the skills and knowledge I obtained and will further develop in the future.