The Master's in European Studies comprises 60 ECTS credits. The first semester comprises several core courses and a skills seminar. The second semester allows you to tailor the programme to your own interests through a series of electives and the Master's thesis.
In this multidisciplinary and theoretical course, insights into the driving forces, organisation and practices of European governance in terms of policymaking will be related to wider historical, cultural and geographical contexts.
You will practice the skills needed to successfully conclude a Master's thesis, including defining a research question and problem, identifying methods and theoretical approaches and data-gathering techniques. During a visit to Brussels you will learn more about the practice of European policymaking, with interactions with EU officials.
These courses provide a further contextualisation of the theories of EU governance, EU policies, European geopolitics and European integration, and also allow students to pursue regional and/or policy specific interests. The course restricted electives discuss relevant important EU policy areas and pressing issues in EU policy.
You will follow electives from this programme or you have the opportunity to develop a fully customised programme with a selection of courses from other Master's programmes. A proposal for such an individual programme must be approved by the programme’s examination board.
The Master's thesis is an individual research project carried out by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. The subject of the thesis should relate to topics covered in the courses and will be mutually agreed upon by the student and the supervisor. You will also follow a thesis tutorial that prepares you for thesis writing. Serving as a complement to the January skills seminar, the tutorial will help you in starting to define your research problem and question, as well as beginning data gathering and determining the structure of the thesis.
Wondering what your weekly schedule will look like as a master's student European Policy? Download the illustrative timetable and get an impression of the contact hours, balance between weekdays and your spare time.
The Master’s in European Policy provides students with a critical approach to some of the main challenges the EU is facing today.Prof. Luiza Bialasiewicz