The one-year Master's in East European Studies comprises 60 ECTS credits.
You can choose two of the following courses: 'East-West Perceptions in Post-Communist Europe', 'Enlargement and External Relations of the EU', 'Europe and its Discontents: A political History of Anti-liberalism', 'Ukraine – Battleground for a new Europe?', 'Memory & Conflict in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and 'The Global South and Russia'.
Wondering what your weekly schedule will look like as a master's student East European Studies? Download the illustrative timetable and get an impression of the contact hours, balance between weekdays and your spare time.
The ordinary and the unspectacular are significant, both politically and socially. This principle underpins my teaching and research.Dr Sudha Rajagopalan, Senior Lecturer Profile page Dr. Sudha Rajagopalan