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Graduates of the Master's programme in Earth Sciences are trained professionals with excellent national and international career opportunities. Here are some examples of what you can end up doing after graduation.

Our UvA Earth Sciences alumnus work as: 

  • Advisor on Circular Economy at Systemiq 
  • Startup in circular nutrients and consultancy 
  • Water quality and ecohydrology advisor at TAUW bv 
  • Sustainability consultant at Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk 
  • Data trainee at the Province of North Holland 
  • GIS consultant GEODAN 
  • Professor Geology University of New York 
  • Centraal Bureau Statistiek Advisor 
  • PhD researcher nitrogen at the University of Amsterdam
Paulien Deken, Trainee at Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier
I focus on crisis management, preparing for scenarios such as heavy rainfall, water pollution, and potential electricity outages. My background in Earth Sciences is invaluable. Paulien Deken, Trainee at Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier Read more about Paulien's story
Itxaso Garay Morrissey, alumnus
Copyright: Itxaso Garay Morrissey
The highlight for me was getting to know my classmates. Even though the research was hard work, we had a blast exploring the island together. Itxaso Garay Morrissey, alumnus Read more about Itxaso's story
Alumnus Marleen about her career after her master

All former students of the Faculty of Science are alumni. Where do our alumnus end up after graduating? And how do they put their academic knowledge into practice? Marleen shares more about her career path.

Meet our students

Would you like to hear from one of our Master's students what it's really like to study at the UvA? Are you curious about the study programmes, student facilities, lecturers and research projects? You can either ask your questions by email, or make an appointment for a 'Meet the Master' day. 

Earth Sciences: Environmental Management
Testimonial - Stijn de Boer

During my bachelor's in Future Planet Studies, I gained extensive knowledge in Earth Sciences. I especially enjoyed fieldwork and working with GIS and satellite data. I wanted to deepen my knowledge and skills in these areas and knew that IBED had a strong focus on GIS and remote sensing. Additionally, innovative research topics such as rewilding were also being explored there. 
Compared to Earth Sciences programmes at other universities, the UvA offers more opportunities for applied research that connects directly to societal issues. At other universities, the focus is sometimes more theoretical, though theoretical research is certainly also possible at the UvA.

Testimonial - Demi Coenraads

I chose the Environmental Management track at the UvA because of the wide range of options available. At the time, I wasn’t entirely sure which direction I wanted to take, and this track offered plenty of flexibility and opportunities to explore what suited me best. I was able to do a lot of fieldwork abroad, take courses in GIS, and further develop my laboratory skills. Additionally, the programme included space for an internship, which gave me valuable insight into my career possibilities after graduation.