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The Faculty of Science aims to attract talented students to its international classrooms. It offers a limited number of scholarship programmes designed to offer - both Dutch and international - motivated students the opportunity to pursue a Science degree at the University of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Science Talent Scholarship

For: Top 10% talented students from the European Union / European Economic Area (non-Dutch)
Amount: €15,000
Deadline: is 1 March 2024

Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (AMS)

For: Outstanding students from outside the European Union / European Economic Area (EEA)
Amount: for the exact amounts please check the link here below
Deadline: 15 January 2024

Amsterdam Physics and Astronomy Scholarship (APAS)

For: students in the UvA/VU Physics and Astronomy programme from the European Union / European Economic Area (non-Dutch)
Amount: €5,000
Deadline: extended until 15 March 2023