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The application process differs, depending on whether you have completed your prior education in the Netherlands or abroad.
  • Students with Dutch prior education


    Starting in September 30 June 23.59 CEST
    Starting in February 31 October 23.59 CEST

    If your previous education took place at a Dutch institution but you do not hold the nationality from one of the countries of the EU or EEA (Switzerland included), your application deadline is 31 January 23:59 CET.

    Deadline with a UvA Scholarship 

    Please note that if you want to apply for a UvA Scholarship, other deadlines for application to the Master's programme apply.

    Application process

    If you have obtained or will obtain a diploma or degree certificate from a Dutch educational institution, please make sure you follow the application procedure via the link below:

  • Students with international prior education


    Starting in September EU/EEA students 30 June 23.59 CEST
      Non-EU/EEA students 31 January 23.59 CEST
    Starting in February EU/EEA students 31 October 23.59 CEST
      Non-EU/EEA students 31 August 23.59 CEST

    Deadline with a UvA Scholarship 

    Please note that if you want to apply for a UvA Scholarship, other deadlines for application to the Master's programme apply.

    Application process

    If you have obtained or will obtain a diploma or degree certificate from an educational institution outside the Netherlands you can follow the application procedure via the link below:

Joint degree programme with VU Amsterdam

Chemistry is a joint degree programme of the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Courses are taught at locations of both universities. UvA and VU jointly issue a degree certificate to graduates. As a Chemistry student in Amsterdam you benefit from expertise, networks and research projects at both universities and affiliated research institutes.

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