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In this course, we aim to familiarise students critically and constructively with conceptual and operational tools to cope with these transition challenges.

With the help of these tools, interdisciplinary teams of students will identify a transition challenge of their choice and develop a strategy to address it. Students will prepare and execute a real-life intervention in order to see how it influences larger transition(s). In recognition of the open nature of the field, students will at the same time be prompted to critically assess the tools and propose improvements.    

The process will be articulated in four iterative stages of the transition cycle:  

  1. Imagining: identifying a transition challenge, and a vision that could address it 
  2. Connecting: developing a systemic understanding of the challenge   
  3. Acting: conceiving and implementing a simple, real-life intervention towards realization of the vision 
  4. Assessing: monitoring and evaluating the impact of the intervention


You can find the timetable on Datanose.


Registration is possible for bachelor students participating in an Honours programme. Registration for the Honours courses will start on 6 June at 10 am and end on 11 June at 11 pm. You can register through the online registration form that will appear on Honoursmodules IIS (registration is NOT through SIS). Placement is random and students will hear within two weeks for which course(s) they are registered. There is no guarantee for placement if you register after 11 June, so make sure you register on time! 

For questions about registration please email to: 

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Honours programme
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