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Students who have obtained their bachelor's degree at their home university can ask for permission to register for master's courses through the Exchange Office.

Master's courses

Only students who have obtained their bachelor's degree can be admitted to master's courses. Please note that not all master's courses are open to exchange students. Admissibility to courses of the different UvA EB master's programmes is assessed on the basis of the student's previous education (bachelor's and master's). Please refer to the Course Catalogue for more information on entry requirements and course offer.


Create your exchange programme

Exchange students should compose their individual study programme of 30 ECTS in one semester. Master's courses amount 5 ECTS, 6 ECTS or 10 ECTS per course. Students can choose to enrol in the first or second semester. Please note that the number of courses offered is higher in the first semester.

The academic year is composed of 6 periods. There are very few courses available in the 3rd period and no courses available in the 6th period. Therefore, (almost) all credits need to be obtained in the first 2 periods of the semester.

  • 1st Semester: periods 1, 2, and 3.
  • 2nd Semester: periods 4, 5, and 6.

Please note: It might be difficult / impossible to compose a study programme of 30 EC in 2nd semester because of the limited master’s course offer in that semester. An exchange in 1st semester is a better option for Master's exchange students.

* Please note that accommodation needs to be paid for the full period of one semester.

Balance your study programme

As all courses need to be attended in a relative short period of time, we advise students to prevent the programme from becoming too intensive. The student should therefore make a good estimation of the course load. We therefore advise students to consult the course descriptions to make sure entry requirements for the courses are met. Course descriptions can be found in the digital course catalogue.

Avoid any overlap

It is the responsibility of the student to make sure lectures and exams don't overlap. It will not be possible to change courses after arrival. Therefore, we advise students to double-check the course schedule (see timetables link below). On the timetable website, you can select your course in the 'Course' section.

Master's degree

It is not possible to obtain a Master's degree while participating in an exchange programme. Students who would like to take Master's courses in order to obtain a degree are advised to apply as a regular Master's student, and will then have to pay tuition fees. Please refer to the website for information on the Master's programmes.