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The Economics & Business Exchange Office aims to confirm the receipt of applications within two weeks after the application deadline. Applicants receive an email regarding their admissions status within 4 weeks after the application deadline.


After receiving a confirmation of your admission, the UvA EB Housing office will contact you about UvA housing. Please note that there is a housing shortage in Amsterdam. Therefore, we cannot guarantee placement in UvA Housing. Exchange students who apply for student housing will participate in a draw (Freemover students are excluded from the draw). For more information on accommodation for exchange students, please visit the website below.

The exchange programme may not run parallel to the fixed period of the UvA housing rental contracts. In case you leave before the end of the semester, you will need to pay until the end of the contract period, regardless of your departure date.  It could also happen that you may need to leave your room a few days earlier than the actual ending date of your programme.

Practical Matters

For more information on other practical matters, please refer to the website for New Exchange Students.