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Why Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image?

Ideal study enviroment

Amsterdam is an ideal base for studying audiovisual preservation and presentation; there are many film theatres, festivals, museums, and various media companies and institutions.

Unique in Europe

The programme is unique in Europe due to its combination of in-depth study of critical issues and practice-based learning, and its international orientation.

Excellent career prospects

The programme prepares for a career in the growing field of audiovisual archiving and curating, as well as recordkeeping, data management, and heritage preservation.

Broad network of partner institutions

The programme cooperates with renowned Dutch institutions, which contribute to its courses. They also host visits and offer internships, as do partner institutions abroad.

Is Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image right for you?

  1. You are academically interested in different media worlds, including cinema, broadcasting and media art, their technologies (analogue and digital), and social-political significance.
  2. You are interested in how individuals, institutions and communities engage with their past, present and future through collecting, preserving, curating and programming audiovisual media.
  3. You want to become familiar with today’s landscape of archival institutions and practices, which are increasingly concerned with issues of access, use and sustainability.
  4. You are keen to do an internship to conduct practice-based research and gain invaluable work experience.
Dr. Floris Paalman
Copyright: FGw
Archiving is curating the future, providing next generations with knowledge. Dr. Floris Paalman

Degree certificate

Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image is an accredited degree programme of the dual Master’s in Media Studies. Upon successful completion of the programme, graduates receive a legally accredited Master’s degree in Media Studies, and the title of Master of Arts (MA).

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MA Media Studies
Regular study programme
90 ECTS, 18 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
University Quarter