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Have you become enthusiastic about the bachelor Computational Social Science? To enrol in our degree programme, you will have to take the following steps:

Application process

  • 1. Check deadlines

    The application deadline for a start in September 2024 is 1 May 2024.

  • 2. Check requirements

    The English taught Bachelor's programme in Computational Social Science is open to all students who meet the requirements specified below.

    Previous education

    Students will need to have completed their secondary school diploma before the start of the BSc in Computational Social Science. The diploma (to be) obtained should be equivalent to a Dutch VWO-diploma ​with mathematics ​(Wiskunde A or B) and English taken as subjects at upper secondary / university preparatory education level​. These subjects should be included in the final secondary school or university entry examinations. Students with a Dutch HBO-propaedeutic diploma can also apply, but need mathematics A or B at VWO-level.

    For those without the required certification, the following institutes offer a mathematics A or B certificate course which meets this requirement:

    Mathemetics A

    Only available offline in The Netherlands:

    Available online and offline (in the Netherlands):

    Mathematics B

    Only the following mathematics B certificate courses are sufficient:

    Only available offline in The Netherlands:

    Please note that we do not accept the mathematics B certificate from Korteweg-de Vries institute or James Boswell Bèta.

    Please see the list of approved qualifications for an overview of diplomas that are considered equivalent to the Dutch VWO-diploma. The list is far from exhaustive, will be updated on a regular basis and is meant for general reference only. No rights can be derived from it. All applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by professional diploma evaluators.

    If your qualification is not on the list, it does not necessarily mean you cannot be admitted and you are still encouraged to apply.

  • 3. Submit enrolment application in Studielink
  • 4. Activate your UvAnetID

    After you have registered in Studielink, you will receive an email with your UvAnetID (student number). You will need this to register at the UvA. Activate your UvAnetID according to the instructions.

After (conditional) admission

  • 5. UvA Matching

    After submitting your enrolment application in Studielink you will receive an email with your UvAnetID. You can use this to log on to the Enrolment Checklist, which is where you sign up for UvA Matching.

  • 6. Attend introduction day

    A week before the start of the programme, you will need to attend the compulsory Introduction Day. On this day, you will receive all relevant programme information and get to know fellow students and our programme staff. We will send you detailed information about the Introduction Day in July 2024.

  • 7. Request student ID card

    A student ID card is a personal card which serves as proof of identity for examinations or borrowing library books. You will receive instructions on how to request your student ID card.