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UvA Matching for international students is an introduction to the Bachelor’s programme you are applying for. For the Bachelor’s in Communication Science, this is participation in the Online Programme Fit.

What is the Online Programme Fit?

The Online Programme Fit is a mandatory part of the application procedure for all prospective Bachelor’s students who have completed their prior education at a non-Dutch educational institution. This includes prospective students applying with an International Baccalaureate, obtained in the Netherlands. Students who have not participated in the Online Programme Fit cannot complete their enrolment for the Bachelor’s in Communication Science.

During the Online Programme Fit you will engage in several study activities that will give you an idea of what to expect from the Bachelor’s programme. This includes attending online lectures, making assignments and reviewing course materials. You will finish the Online Programme Fit with a test. The Online Programme Fit takes several days. If you have completed all activities, you will receive personal advice on the basis of your test results. This will help you determine whether the Bachelor’s in Communication Science is a good fit for you and whether you have the motivation and study skills to start the programme in September.

When should I do this?

The Online Programme Fit is offered three times, from March until May. After you have been conditionally admitted to the programme, you have to register for one of the Online Programme Fit sessions through the enrolment checklist in SIS. We will send detailed information, one week before the start of the Online Programme Fit.

You choose one of the below time slots for the Online Programme Fit in 2025:

  • Online Programme Fit session 1: Tuesday 4 March until Wednesday 12 March
  • Online Programme Fit session 2: Tuesday 8 April until Wednesday 16 April
  • Online Programme Fit session 3: Tuesday 20 May until Wednesday 28 May

If you have your final exams planned for June, we advise you to participate in one of the earlier sessions. If you submit your application for the programme before 1 April, you still have the option to choose in which session you participate. 

How much time do I need for the Online Programme Fit? 

You will need approximately 28 hours to complete all activities of the Online Programme Fit. Students can complete the activities at their own pace, provided that all activities are completed before the deadline of the specific session.


Questions about the Online Programme Fit? Please send an e-mail to