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Honours programme
If you are ambitious, you can choose to take part in our Honours programme. You take the Honours programme alongside your regular studies. Completion results in you graduating 'with honours': an internationally recognised qualification. If you are up to it, then it's an opportunity not to be missed.
Why take an Honours programme?
Complement your Bachelor's with disciplinary courses that are not part of your regular degree programme (such as Economic Policy Analysis).
Take exciting courses by top lecturers.
Work with other top students at UvA.
In-depth development of your academic and scientific skills, such as conducting research, writing essays and giving presentations.
2 years (year 2 and 3 of your Bachelor's programme)
30 (280 study hours) on top of your regular programme
Admission requirements:
complete the 1st year without study delay and an average mark of at least 7.5
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