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Why Ancient Studies at the UvA

Unique profile

You will study the history, literature, and material culture of the ancient world from a broad geographical and temporal perspective.

Five specialisations 

Choose between: Ancient History, Archaeology or Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Dutch speaking students can also specialize in Ancient Latin and Ancient Greek.


The programme is taught by a multidisciplinary team of lecturers in a unique collaboration between the Uva and VU.

Ideal study environment

You will study in the cultural heart of Amsterdam, with its many museums and cultural institutions, such as the Allard Pierson and the Rijksmuseum.

Is Ancient Studies right for you?

  1. You are interested in the cultural history of Antiquity and its influence up to the present day.
  2. You are eager to investigate ancient material and textual sources and want to become a specialist with a broad, critical outlook.
  3. You are keen to participate in a community with ca. 55 Dutch and international first-year students and look forward to go on excursions to interesting ancient sites and museums.
  4. You want to study at an interdisciplinary center of expertise on the ancient world, which is ACASA, a UvA-VU collaboration between Archaeologists, Classicists and Ancient historians of both universities.
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Facts & Figures
Degree programme
BA Ancient Studies
Regular study programme
180 ECTS, 36 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
RIO code
University Quarter