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Dr. R. (Rose) van der Zwaard

Faculty of Humanities
Seconde Language Acquisition
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Spuistraat 134
  • Room number: 542
Postal address
  • Postbus 1641
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Fields of Expertise
    • Second Language Acquisition
    • Teaching English as a Second Language
    • Computer Assisted Language Learning
    • Computer Mediated Communication
    • Teacher Education/Training
    • Educational Methodology and Innovation
  • Research

    Ongoing research projects:

    Digital discourses and interdiscursivity in educational settings. This  project critically examines claims about the role of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on L2 classrooms. Principal researchers:  Rose van der Zwaard and Anne Bannink

    Technology in Teacher Education. In this project we explore the constraints and affordances of digital video for reflection in preservice and inservice teacher education settings (secondary and higher education). Principal researchers:  Rose van der Zwaard and Anne Bannink


    • Prior, Y., M. van der Laaken & R. van der Zwaard (2009). Artspeak: Articulating Artistic Process Across Cultural Boundaries through Digital Theatre.” International Journal of the Arts in Society 4(3), 433-446.
    • Prior Y., L. Johnson & R. van der Zwaard (2011). “e-Learning through digital theatre: breaking down the tyranny of distance and the limits of location”. International Journal of Ubiquitous Learning 3, 1-14.
    • Van der Zwaard, R., & A. Bannink (2014). Video call or chat? Negotiation of meaning and issues of face in telecollaboration. System, 44, 137-148.
    • Van der Zwaard, R. & A. Bannink (2016). Nonoccurrence of Negotiation of Meaning in Task‐Based Synchronous Computer‐Mediated Communication. The Modern Language Journal, 100(3), 625-640.
    • Cohen, I. & R. Van der Zwaard (2016). I’m leaving and I’m never coming back: The complexity of translating simple short stories. In Bannink, A. & Honselaar W. (eds), From Variation to Iconicity. Amsterdam: Pegasus.
    • Van der Zwaard, R. (2017). Patterns of (negotiated) interaction during task-based telecollaboration between native and advanced non-native speakers. PhD dissertation published by LOT, Utrecht.
    • Van der Zwaard, R. & A. Bannink (2018). Reversal of participation roles in NS-NNS synchronous telecollaboration. CALICO Journal 35(2), 162-181. 

    CALICO Journal Best Article Award (2018):

    • Van der Zwaard & A. Bannink (2019). Towards a comprehensive model of negotiated interaction in computer-mediated communication. Language Learning & Technology 23(3), 116-135. 
    • Van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2020). Negotiation of Meaning in Digital L2 Learning Interaction: Task Design Versus Task Performance. TESOL Quarterly54(1), 56-89.
    • Bannink, A. & Van der Zwaard, R. (2020). From practice to theory: Teacher trainee action research on remote teaching. In:  Ferdig, R. E., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R., & Mouza, C. (Eds.). Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

    • Van der Zwaard, R. & Bannink, A. (2020). Coaching novice inservice university lecturers: From face-to-face supervision to online video tagging. In:  Ferdig, R. E., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R., & Mouza, C. (Eds.). Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

    PhD supervision

    Presentations at conferences and invited lectures:

    • Anéla - Dutch Society for Applied Linguistics. Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2008).
    • The Arts in Society. Ca'Foscari University, Venice, Italy (2009).
    • Ubiquitous Leaning Conference. University of British Columbia, Canada (2010)
    • Transcultural – Transnational – Transformation. Monash University, Melbourne Australia. (2010). Presentation through Skype in collaboration with Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia and British Museum, London, UK (see under Telecollaboration). 
    • Eurocall: The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning.  Gothenborg, Sweden (2012).
    • Invited lecture at the Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands about  digital collaboration between universities. 
    • CALICO: The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium. University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA (2013).
    • Anéla - Dutch Society for Applied Linguistics. Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2014).
    • EuroCall: The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. University of Padova, Italy (2015).
    • TBLT: Task-Based Language Teaching. Leuven University, Belgium (2015).
    • Invited lecture at the University of Amsterdam (MA module Current Issues in Linguistics Research) (2015).
    • Unicollaboration: New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice. Trinity University, Dublin, Ireland (2016).

    • Invited lecture at Ghent University, Belgium (2017).

    • Invited lecture at the University of Amsterdam. MA module  Issues in Second Language Acquisition (2017).

    • EuroCall: The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. University of Southampton (2017).

    • Eurocall: The European Association for Computer-Assited Language Learning. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland (2018)

    • CALICO - Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium - Montreal, Canada (2018)

    • CALICO - Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium - Seattle, USA (2020 - rescheduled to 2021 due to Covid-19) 


  • Teaching and curriculum development

    Undergraduate courses:

    • English Literature 1: Genres, Texts and Contexts
    • Language in Literature: A Stylistic Approach
    • Supervisor BA theses

    Graduate Courses:

    • L2 in the Classroom
    • Literature in the Classroom
    • Schoolvak MVT & Nederlands
    • Translation Lab English-Dutch
    • Supervisor MA theses

    University Teaching Qualification UTQ):

    • Teacher of the English track
    • UTQ assessor
    • Teacher of pre-QTQ track (English and Dutch)
    • Zoom and video reflection coach 

    Curriculum development:

    2006                     Course design Advanced English for Exchange Students

    2010                     Course design Minor English Proficiency

    2010                     Course design English Proficiency courses for students majoring in English Language and Culture

    2017                     Involved in designing and developing the current Master of Education and Communication (for Dutch, English, French, German and History)

    2017                     Course design BA elective Language in Literature: A Stylistic Approach

    2017                     Course design Literature in the Classroom (core course MA Education and Communication MVT)

    2017                     Course design L2 in the Classroom (core course MA Education and Communication)

    2017                     Course design Schoolvak MVT & Nederlands (core course MA Education and Communication)

    2018                     Revision BA program English Proficiency and Linguistics (with a focus on international students and World Englishes)

    2018                     Training Course University Teaching Certificate for non-Dutch staff FGw (UTQ – University Teaching Qualification)

    2018                     Pre-UTQ training course for PhD/MA students with teaching hours – both Dutch and non-Dutch staff (pre-BKO/UTQ)

    2019-date           Digital Video reflection (for analysis, reflection and assessment).

    2021                     Course design Research Seminar MA Education and Communication

  • Administrative tasks

    2010-2013          Member of OC Taal en Communicatie/Neerlandistiek

    2013-2014          Member of OC Engelse Taal en Cultuur

    2014-2018          Chair of OC English Language and Culture

    2013-2019          In charge of ‘voorlichting’ and ‘proefstuderen’ - English Department

    2015-2018          In charge of Exchange Programmes (Erasmus and Harting) for students of English

    2018                     Member of Harting Programme Committee (with 5 other Dutch universities)

    2018                     Chair of programme committee English Proficiency New Style (to prepare the transition to the international programme of English Language and Culture)

    2016-date           Member of Assessment Committee BKO/UTQ (FGw)

    2018-date           Member of Exam Board College of Humanities

    2018-date           Chair of Exam Board Cluster Engels


  • Publications


    • Bannink, A., & van der Zwaard, R. (2020). Action Research on Remote Teaching as an Instrument for Reflection on Online and Face-To-Face Teaching. In R. E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field (pp. 489-492). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). [details]
    • van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2020). Coaching Novice Inservice University Lecturers: From Face-To-Face Supervision to Online Video Tagging. In R. E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field (pp. 521-525). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). [details]
    • van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2020). Negotiation of Meaning in Digital Task-based Language Teaching: Task Design versus Task Performance. TESOL Quarterly, 54(1), 56-89. [details]






    • Prior, Y., van der Laaken, M., & van der Zwaard, R. (2009). Artspeak: Articulating Artistic Process Across Cultural Boundaries through Digital Theatre. The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 4(3), 433-446. Advance online publication. [details]

    Prize / grant

    • Bannink, A. & van der Zwaard, R. (2018). CALICO Award for Most Outstanding Article 2018.

    Talk / presentation

    • Bannink, A. (speaker) & van der Zwaard, R. (speaker) (23-4-2016). NNS/NS telecollaboration in dyadic task-based SCMC: task-appropriate versus face-appropriate behaviour, New directions in telecollaboration, Dublin (2016)., New directions in telecollaboration, Dublin.


    • van der Zwaard, R. (2017). Patterns of (negotiated) interaction during telecollaboration between native and advanced non-native speakers. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. LOT. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities