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A.R. (Amy) Zeegelaar MSc

Executive Staff
Academische Zaken

Visiting address
  • Spui 21
  • Room number: 3.37
Postal address
  • Postbus 19268
    1000 GG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Amy Zeegelaar works as a policy officer in research and valorization at the department Academic Affairs, part of the unit Policy and Strategy Development. She supports the Executive Board, especially the Rector Magnificus, in the preparation and development of strategic research and valorization policy of the institution.

    She is involved in valorisation, PhD policy, coordination of research evaluations, awards and interuniversity research schools. Amy Zeegelaar also supports the Central PhD Council (CPC), is involved in institution wide projects and working groups, and is Secretary of the University Valorisation Committee (UVC).

  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities