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T. (Tina) van Wouw MA

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Developmental psychopathology

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Profile

    I have 22 years of experience in (special) education as a teacher, project leader and school leader. As a PhD student, part of the RICDE, I am doing research on the facilitators and barriers in the cooperation between people, around young people with "multi-problems". Because of my own background, I am intrinsically motivated to improve matters, especially for young people who are less fortunate. The common thread in my career is that I try to help people who, for all kinds of reasons, do not seem to fit in at first. 
    I believe that good policy starts with the encounter between people, with real life, with knowing and experiencing the real stories of various people of different color, orientation and background. Encounters where values are discussed and what constitutes good educational and youth care practices. Conversations that go beyond roles, arguments and interests. Momentarily, we get stuck in who is “wrong”  and we expect the other to resolve that. I would like to talk to each other in a more open way, making connections, by embracing polyphony and in this way contribute to creating hope with new facts for the young people who are so important.

    Research expertise

    • Complex Collaborations
    • Education, Youth Care, and Social Domain
    • Integrated and Interprofessional Collaboration
    • Personal Network and Social Networks
    • Youth with Multiple Problems
    • Polyphony and Polyvocality
    • Art-Based Research

    Other links

  • Ancillary activities
    • Buitenpromovenda Chris Kuiper
      Buitenpromovenda, verbonden aan de regio Haaglanden en het ROC Mondriaan