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Dr. A. (Anke) Wonneberger

Associate Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Corporate Communication
Photographer: Sander Nieuwenhuys

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C7.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Anke Wonneberger is an associate professor in corporate communication at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR). After studying Communication Science and Cultural Science in Berlin. She received her PhD from the University of Amsterdam and held a post-doc position at the University of Vienna. Her current research topics include strategic communication of nonprofit organizations and environmental communication. She is particularly interested in the role of nonprofit organizations in public discourses. She is studying specific discourses, for instance, on the issue of climate change, animal welfare, and gene editing. A new research line focuses on media representations and public perceptions of the compatibility of environmental protection and economic growth.

    Anke is teaching and coordinating the master courses ‘Strategic Communication’ and 'Sustainability Marketing and Communication'. She teaches methods courses in the master and bachelor program and supervises master and bachelor theses.

    Research expertise

    • Environmental and sustainability communication
    • Non-profit communication
    • Strategic communication
    • Organisational legitimacy

    Current activities

  • Research

    Research methods

    • Content analysis
    • Survey research
    • Experiments
    • Interviews

    Current research projects

    • Media representations and public perceptions of the compatibility of environmental protection and economic growth
    • Comparing sociotechnical imaginaries for gene editing in food and agriculture: 
  • Teaching
    • Strategic Communication
    • Sustainability Marketing and Communication

    PhD Supervision

    • Climate Advocacy Journalism: Conflating Facts with Values in Reporting about Climate Solutions
  • Publications










    • Hopmann, D. N., Wonneberger, A., Shehata, A., & Höijer, J. (2016). Selective media exposure and increasing knowledge gaps in Swiss referendum campaigns. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 28(1), 73-95. [details]
    • Matthes, J., Marquart, F., Arendt, F., & Wonneberger, A. (2016). The selective avoidance of threat appeals in right-wing populist political ads: An implicit cognition approach using eye-tracking methodology. In P. Verlegh, H. Voorveld, & M. Eisend (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. VI): The Digital, the Classic, the Subtle, and the Alternative (pp. 135-145). (European Advertising Academy). Springer Gabler. [details]
    • Wonneberger, A. (2016). Environmental non-profit organisations in public discourses: Challenges and opportunities of political institutionalization. In E. Oliveira, A. Duarte Melo, & G. Gonçalves (Eds.), Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organisations: Challenges and Alternative Approaches (pp. 77-102). (Vernon Series in Communication). Vernon Press. [details]
    • Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. (2016). Mass Media Orientation and External Communication Strategies: Exploring Organisational Differences. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 10(5), 368-386. [details]
    • Wonneberger, A., & Matthes, J. (2016). Grüne Werbung: Inhalte und Wirkungen ökologischer Werbebotschaften. In G. Siegert, W. Wirth, P. Weber, & J. A. Lischka (Eds.), Handbuch Werbeforschung (pp. 741-760). Springer VS. [details]


    • Engesser, S., Esser, F., Reinemann, C., Scherr, S., Matthes, J., & Wonneberger, A. (2014). Negativität in der Politikberichterstattung: Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz im Vergleich. Medien- & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 62(4), 588-605. [details]
    • Matthes, J., & Wonneberger, A. (2014). The skeptical green consumer revisited: testing the relationship between green consumerism and skepticism toward advertising. Journal of Advertising, 43(2), 115-127. [details]
    • Matthes, J., Wonneberger, A., & Schmuck, D. (2014). Consumers' green involvement and the persuasive effects of emotional versus functional ads. Journal of Business Research, 67(9), 1885-1893.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2014). Mehr Wissen durch Vielfalt? Komplementäre Nutzung von Informationsquellen zu Umweltthemen. In K. Kleinen-von Königslöw, & K. Förster (Eds.), Medienkonvergenz und Medienkomplementarität aus Rezeptions- und Wirkungsperspektive (pp. 163-178). Nomos. [details]


    • Wonneberger, A., Schoenbach, K., & van Meurs, L. (2013). Dimensionality of TV-news exposure: mapping news viewing behavior with people-meter data. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 25(1), 87-107. [details]
    • Wonneberger, A., Schoenbach, K., & van Meurs, L. (2013). How keeping up diversifies: watching public affairs TV in the Netherlands 1988-2010. European Journal of Communication, 28(6), 646-662. [details]




    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, L. (2009). Dynamics of individual television viewing behavior: models, empirical evidence, and a research program. Communication Studies, 60(3), 235-252. [details]


    • Wonneberger, A. (2017). Multidimensional Scaling. In J. Matthes (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods (Vol. 2). (The Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication). Wiley Blackwell. [details]



    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, L. (2011). Der Mehrwert von Sequenzanalysen für die Mediennutzungsforschung: eine Beispielanalyse zur Nutzung politischer Fernsehinhalte. In M. Suckfüll, H. Schramm, & C. Wünsch (Eds.), Rezeption und Wirkung in zeitlicher Perspektive (pp. 199-214). (Reihe Rezeptionsforschung; No. 22). Nomos. [details]



    • Wonneberger, A., van Eck, C. W., Jonkman, J. G. F., & Burgers, C. F. (2023). From slaughtering trees to the complexities of renewable energy: Biomass discourses in the Netherlands. Abstract from Conference on Communication and Environment, Harrisonburg, VA, United States.
    • Wonneberger, A., van Eck, C. W., Jonkman, J. G. F., & Burgers, C. F. (2023). From slaughtering trees to the complexities of renewable energy: Biomass discourses in the Netherlands. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Enschede.
    • van Eck, C. W., Wonneberger, A., Jonkman, J. G. F., & Burgers, C. F. (2023). From slaughtering trees to the complexities of renewable energy: Biomass discourses in the Netherlands. Abstract from International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


    • Wonneberger, A. (2022). From the courtroom to the public: Justifications of responsibilities and solutions in climate litigation discourses. Paper presented at the 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May 2022, Paris, France.
    • Wonneberger, A., Lock, I. J., & Steenbeek, P. (2022). Clashing views? Comparing sustainability understandings across Dutch news, corporations, and consumers. Abstract from the ICA-Preconference “The science of science communication: Mapping the field”, 25 May 2022, 72nd ICA annual conference, Paris, France.


    • Painter, J., Ettinger, J., Strauß, N., Doutreix, M.-N., & Wonneberger, A. (2021). Mainstream media coverage of the European heatwave of 2019 and related extreme event attribution studies. Abstract from COCE 2021.
    • Painter, J., Strauß, N., Wonneberger, A., Ettinger, J., & Doutreix, M.-N. (2021). An analysis of mainstream media coverage of the European heat wave of 2019, in four countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK). Abstract from ICA 2021 - 71st Annual ICA Conference.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2021). Let the judges decide: How news media construct public legitimacy of climate change litigation. Abstract from 8th European Communication Conference.
    • Wonneberger, A., Jacobs, S. H. J., & Hellsten, I. R. (2021). Actor and frame diversity within issue arenas: Comparing intra-issue dynamics across platforms. Paper presented at ICA 2021 - 71st Annual ICA Conference.
    • Wonneberger, A., Jacobs, S. H. J., & Hellsten, I. R. (2021). Agreeing on the culprit? Actor and frame diversity across platforms in the case of the fipronil pesticide in the Netherlands. Abstract from COCE 2021.


    • Jacobs, S. H. J., Boon, J., Wonneberger, A., & Houlberg Salomonsen, H. (2020). Exploring public accountability in the media: A forum-centric perspective. Paper presented at ECPR Virtual General Conference 2020.
    • Torfadottir, R., & Wonneberger, A. (2020). Emotional processes in climate communication: Distinct emotions, in-group actions, and pro-environmental behaviour. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2020). Let the judges decide: How news media construct public legitimacy of climate change litigation. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    • Hellsten, I. R., Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2019). Re-tweet networks on Twitter: Socio-semantics of communication networks on food quality. Abstract from INSNA XXXVIV Sunbelt 2019 conference, Montreal, Canada.
    • Jacobs, S. H. J., Wonneberger, A., & Hellsten, I. R. (2019). Social countermarketing in issue arenas: Dutch food quality debates on Twitter. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.
    • Jacobs, S. H. J., Wonneberger, A., & Hellsten, I. R. (2019). Social countermarketing in online issue arenas: Diagnostic and prognostic framing strategies in food quality debates. Abstract from BledCom 2019, Bled, Slovenia.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Eline, J., & Wonneberger, A. (2019). The effects of visual impact metaphors on response efficacy. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Wonneberger, A., & Azrout, R. (2019). The effects of personal, collective, and governmental efficacy beliefs on pro-environmental behavior. Paper presented at Conference on Communication and Environment, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    • Tschötschel, R. S., Schuck, A. R. T., & Wonneberger, A. (2019). The good, the bad and the ugly: Patterns of controversy in German, Canadian, and US climate change news. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.
    • Tschötschel, R. S., Schuck, A. R. T., & Wonneberger, A. (2019). The good, the bad and the ugly:
 Patterns of controversy and consensus in German, Canadian, and US climate change news. Paper presented at Conference on Communication and Environment, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    • Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Schuck, A. R. T. (2019). Did the Paris climate conference change public opinion? Tracing climate change audience segments in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Conference on Communication and Environment, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    • Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Schuck, A. R. T. (2019). Do climate change conferences affect public opinion? Climate change audience segments in the Netherlands before and after COP21. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.


    • Hellsten, I. R., Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2018). Counterpublics & issue arenas: Dutch food issues on Twitter. Abstract from ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Hellsten, I. R., Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2018). How actors shape issue arenas on Twitter: Food issues in the Netherlands. Abstract from BledCom 2018.
    • Hellsten, I. R., Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2018). How actors shape issue arenas on Twitter: Food issues in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Jacobs, S. H. J., & Wonneberger, A. (2018). Enacting mediatization in public sector organizations: The role of communication managers. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Jacobs, S. H. J., & Wonneberger, A. (2018). Enacting mediatization in public sector organizations: The role of communication managers. Paper presented at ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Jacobs, S. H. J., & Wonneberger, A. (2018). Enacting mediatization in public sector organizations: The role of communication managers. Poster session presented at BledCom 2018.
    • Jonkman, J. G. F., Wonneberger, A., & Verhoeven, P. (2018). PR from an ANT perspective: How a sociology of associations can reconcile public relations relations and communication theory . Paper presented at ICA 2018 Preconference: Theories in Public Relations, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Jonkman, J. G. F., Wonneberger, A., & Verhoeven, P. (2018). Public relations from an actor-network perspective: How a sociology of associations can reconcile public relations research and communication theory. Paper presented at ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Remmelswaal, P., & Wonneberger, A. (2018). Stimulating recycling by the use of visual feedback metaphors: The roles of perceived consumer effectiveness and evaluative persuasion knowledge. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Gent, Belgium.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Wonneberger, A., & Remmelswaal, P. (2018). Stimulating recycling by the use of visual feedback metaphors: The roles of perceived consumer effectiveness and evaluative persuasion knowledge. Paper presented at ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Tschötschel, R. S., Wonneberger, A., & Schuck, A. R. T. (2018). Patterns of controversy in US, Canadian, and German online climate change news. Paper presented at ECREA Bi-Annual Conference 2018, Lugano, Switzerland.


    • Maslowska, E. H., & Wonneberger, A. (2017). Most importantly it's organic! Characteristics and effects on sales of green product reviews. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, United States.
    • Schuck, A. R. T., Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Loecherbach, F. (2017). Hoping for the best or fearing the worst? How emotions mediate effects of news coverage of the COP21 Paris Climate Summit. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Schuck, A. R. T., Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Loecherbach, F. (2017). Who’s afraid of climate change? News coverage of the COP21 Paris climate summit and its effects on pro-environmental behavior. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, United States.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2017). Mapping media attention for organizations: Differences between corporations, public sector organizations and NGOs. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2017). Mapping media attention for organizations: Differences between corporations, public sector organizations and NGOs. Paper presented at 67th International Communication Association Conference, San Diego, California, United States.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2017). Mediatization in public organizations: How communication managers deal with media coverage. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual conference of the PR and Advertising Division of the DGPuK, Vienna, Austria, Vienna, Austria.
    • Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Krafczyk, A. (2017). Green brand placement: The role of brand warmth. Paper presented at COCE, Leicester, United Kingdom.
    • Wonneberger, A., Schuck, A. R. T., Meijers, M. H. C., & Loecherbach, F. (2017). Threat or efficacy? Effects of competitive media frames on climate change mitigation support. Abstract from COCE, Leicester, United Kingdom.


    • Araujo, T. B., Wonneberger, A., Neijens, P. C., & de Vreese, C. H. (2016). How much time do you spend online? Testing the accuracy of self-reported measures of online media use. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Jacobs, S. H. J., & Wonneberger, A. (2016). Did we make it to the news? The relations between the media visibility of organizations and the media orientations of their communication professionals.
    • Maslowska, E., & Wonneberger, A. (2016). Are all online consumer reviews the same? Characteristics and effects on sales of green product reviews: Paper presented at the European Communication Conference 2016. Paper presented at 6th European Communication Conference , Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Schuck, A. R. T., Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Loecherbach, F. (2016). Hoping for the best or fearing the worst? How emotions mediate effects of news coverage of the COP21 Paris Climate Summit. Paper presented at ECREA Conference 2016, Prague.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2016). Did we make it to the news? Effects of actual and perceived media coverage on media orientations of communication professionals. Abstract from NIG Annual Conference 2016, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • Wonneberger, A., Araujo, T. B., Neijens, P. C., & de Vreese, C. H. (2016). How Much Time Do You Spend Online and how Often? Testing the Accuracy of Self-Reported Measures of Internet Use. Abstract from 18th Annual Conference of the Methods Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    • Helfer, L., & Wonneberger, A. (2015). Bowling alone, watching together? Structural explanations of social TV viewing from 1990 to 2010. Abstract from 65th Annual International Communication Association Conference.
    • Jacobs, S. H. J., & Wonneberger, A. (2015). Media attention and media orientation: Explaining differences between public and private organizations. Abstract from Paper presented at the Conference for Strategic Communication for Non-Profit-Organisations: Challenges and Alternative Approaches.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2015). Environmental non-profit organisations in public discourses: Challenges and opportunities of political institutionalization. Abstract from Paper presented at the Conference for Strategic Communication for Non-Profit-Organisations: Challenges and Alternative Approaches.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2015). Media orientation and public relations Strategies: Explaining organizational differences. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Jacobs, S. H. J. (2015). Media orientation and public relations strategies: Explaining organizational differences. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Wonneberger, A., & van den Berg, A. (2015). Media coverage on climate change mitigation strategies: The case of the Dutch energy agreement.


    • Matthes, J., Marquart, F., Arendt, F., & Wonneberger, A. (2014). The selective avoidance of threat appeals in populist ads: An implicit cognition approach using eye-tracking methodology. Paper presented at ICORIA 2014: EAA's 13th International Conference on Research in Advertising: Amsterdam, the Netherlands: June 26 - 28, 2014.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2014). Engaged but guilty? Processes of guilt arousal in environmental campaigns.


    • Engesser, S., Esser, F., Scherr, S., Reinemann, C., Wonneberger, A., & Matthes, J. (2013). Testing a new index of negativity in news: A comparison of online and offline media in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Abstract from annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Mainz, Germany.
    • Matthes, J., & Wonneberger, A. (2013). Why do green consumers tent to trust green ads? Testing the mediating role of informational utility and emotional appeal. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Zagreb, Croatia.
    • Matthes, J., Wonneberger, A., & Schmuck, D. (2013). Taking a closer look at green ads: Consumers' green involvement and the persuasive effects of emotional versus functional advertising appeals. Paper presented at Paper presented to the Advertising Division at the AEJMC Convention, Washington, D.C., USA.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2013). Mehr Wissen durch Vielfalt? Komplementäre Nutzung von Informationsquellen zu Umweltthemen. Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual conference of the Media Uses and Effects Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Vienna, Austria.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Irazoqui, M. (2013). How often do you really watch? Comparing self-reported TV exposure to people-meter data. Abstract from Etmaal 2013: 24 hours of Communication Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Irazoqui, M. (2013). Tell it like it is? Inaccuracies of self-reported TV exposure in comparison to people-meter data. Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK.


    • Wonneberger, A. (2012). Two decades of exposure to public-affairs TV in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Paper presented at the meeting of the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Phoenix/Arizona, USA.
    • Wonneberger, A., & Kim, S. J. (2012). TV News - Dismissed? Young news viewers in the Netherlands and South Korea over time. Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Phoenix/Arizona, USA.


    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, A. (2011). Specialization of news audiences in the Netherlands 1988-2010. Paper presented at World Association for Public Opinion Research.
    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, A. (2011). Tuning out? TV-news audiences in the Netherlands, 1990-2010.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Boston.


    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, L. (2010). (2010, February). Do you really intend to watch the news? A study on news viewing and selectivity.
    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, L. (2010). (2010, January). Der Mehrwert von Sequenzanalysen für die Mediennutzungsforschung: Eine Beispielanalyse zur Nutzung politischer Fernsehinhalte [The surplus of sequential analyses for media-use research: An exemplary analysis on the use of political television content].


    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, A. (2009). How TV viewers deal with political information: Patterns of information viewing and political involvement.
    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, A. (2009). Towards a comprehensive concept of informational TV viewing patterns.
    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K., & van Meurs, A. (2009). Watching the news: a matter of preferences or selectivity?.

    Prize / grant

    • Meijers, M., Wonneberger, A. & Remmelswaal, P. (2018). Best Paper Award, Environmental Communication, ICA.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2014). Top Faculty Paper: Concerned, responsible and guilty? Testing a model of guilt arousal and effects in environmental campaigns.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2013). Taking a Closer Look at Green Ads. Consumers’ Green Involvement and the Persuasive Effects of Emotional Versus Functional Advertising Appeals.
    • Wonneberger, A. (2013). Mehr Wissen durch Vielfalt? Komplementäre Nutzung von Informationsquellen zu Umweltthemen.
    • Wonneberger, A., Schönbach, K. & van Meurs, A. (2010). Top paper award for: Der Mehrwert von Sequuenzanalysen für die Mediennutzungsforschung: Eine Beispielanalyse zur Nutzung politischer Fernsehinhalte.



    • Tschötschel, R. S. (2022). Past the tipping point: Climate change and the public sphere in Germany and the United States. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


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