Rolef de Weijs holds a master in law and philosophy from Groningen University and an LL.M. degree from Harvard Law School. He also participated in the Japan Prize Winners' Programme. He did his Ph.D. research at the Amsterdam Institute for Private law. In april 2010 he defended his Ph.D. thesis 'Faillissementspauliana, Insolvenzanfechtung & Transaction Avoidance in Insolvencies'.
De Weijs specialises in property law, insolvency law, corporate law and corporate finance. He teaches the courses Insolvency Law (Insolventierecht), European Insolvency law, Critical Analyses of Corporate Finance and Insolvency Law and parts of the course European Property Law.
De Weijs practices law as an attorney and a court appointed trustee in bankruptcy at Houthoff Buruma, a law firm in Amsterdam.