Digital Archaeologist at Amsterdam Centre of Ancient Studies and Archaeology
Coordinator of the 4D Research Lab (4DRL)
My research engages with archaeological prospection, (UAS) remote sensing, Geo-ICT, statistics, 3D modeling, eXtended Reality and Blended Learning. My working area is the whole of Europe, with a specific focus on Mediterranean Archaeology. In the 4DRL I examine the application of 3D technology for research and educational purposes, ranging from 3D Scanning to Virtual Reconstruction, from both applied technological- as well as theoretical perspectives.
Present fieldwork projects: Satricum (Italy, led by dr. M. Gnade), Halos and Zakynthos (Greece, led respectively by prof. dr. R. Reinders/prof. dr. V.V. Stissi and dr. G.-J. van Wijngaarden), Troy (Turkey, led by dr. G.-J. van Wijngaarden), Tappino Valley Survey, Molise, Italy (together with Dr. T.D. Stek).
San Pancrazio - Li Castelli (projectleader, GIS-specialist) for the FirmA.Conti VivaiPiante S.r.l. (Rome) under supervision of dr. G.-J. Burgers of the Royal Dutch Institute at Rome.
The Nemrud Dag Project (Site Information System, 2005-2008, GIS-specialist); collaboration with the Amsterdam Archaeological Center,UvA, led by prof. dr. Herman Brijder.
The Sacred Landscapes Project (archaeological surveys, landscape reconstruction and spatial analyses, 2004-2008, organisation); collaboration with drs. Jeremia Pelgrom (RUL, VU) and drs. Tesse Stek (UvA, RUN).
The L'Amastuola Project (archaeological survey and spatial analyses of the necropoleis, 2005/2006); collaboration with the Archaeological Institute of the Free University of Amsterdam, in 2006 with a fund from the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); led by dr. G.-J. Burgers and dr. J.P. Crielaard.
Muro Tenente (large scale excavations,1997-2000, trench leader, 2001, field technician, 2002, research); San Pancrazio (small scale excavations, 1999, trench leader); both led by prof. dr. D. Yntema and dr. G.-J. Burgers
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