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I.M. (Ilona) Vuist MSc

Faculty of Science
Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 1212
    1000 BE Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Beckman, W., Vuist, I. M., Kempe, H., & Verschure, P. J. (2018). Cell-to-Cell Transcription Variability as Measured by Single-Molecule RNA FISH to Detect Epigenetic State Switching. In A. Jeltsch, & M. G. Rots (Eds.), Epigenome Editing: Methods and Protocols (pp. 385-393). (Methods in Molecular Biology). Humana Press. [details]


    • van Hagen, M., Piebes, D. G. E., de Leeuw, W. C., Vuist, I. M., van Roon-Mom, W. M. C., Moerland, P. D., & Verschure, P. J. (2017). The dynamics of early-state transcriptional changes and aggregate formation in a Huntington's disease cell model. BMC Genomics, 18(373), Article 373. [details]


    • van Hagen, M., de Leeuw, W. C., van Roon-Mom, W. M. C., Verschure, P. J., Piebes, D., Vuist, I. & Moerland, P. D. (2017). Additional file 5: of The dynamics of early-state transcriptional changes and aggregate formation in a Huntington’s disease cell model. Figshare.
    • van Hagen, M., de Leeuw, W. C., van Roon-Mom, W. M. C., Verschure, P. J., Piebes, D., Vuist, I. & Moerland, P. D. (2017). Additional file 2: of The dynamics of early-state transcriptional changes and aggregate formation in a Huntington's disease cell model. Figshare.
    • van Hagen, M., de Leeuw, W. C., van Roon-Mom, W. M. C., Verschure, P. J., Piebes, D., Vuist, I. & Moerland, P. D. (2017). Additional file 6: of The dynamics of early-state transcriptional changes and aggregate formation in a Huntington’s disease cell model. Figshare.
    • van Hagen, M., de Leeuw, W. C., van Roon-Mom, W. M. C., Verschure, P. J., Piebes, D., Vuist, I. & Moerland, P. (2017). Additional file 4: of The dynamics of early-state transcriptional changes and aggregate formation in a Huntington’s disease cell model. Figshare.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities