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Drs. R.C.W. van der Voort

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
Postal address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
    1018 TV Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Vinig, G. T., Li, Z., & van der Voort, R. C. W. (2005). Entrepreneurship as population Behavior. Evolutionary Game Analysis. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
    • Vinig, T., & van der Voort, R. (2005). Foreword: The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Economics. In G. T. Vinig, & R. C. W. van der Voort (Eds.), The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Economics (pp. xi-xvi). Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI.


    • Vinig, G. T., & van der Voort, R. C. W. (2004). Cloning Silicon Valley - Path Dependence analysis. In M. Dowling, J. Schmude, & D. zu Knyphausen-Aufseß (Eds.), Advances in Interdisciplinary European Entrepreneurship Research, Gründungsforschung (pp. 99-120). (Gruendforschung; No. 3). Munster: LIT Verlag.


    • Vinig, G. T., & van der Voort, R. C. W. (2003). Cloning Silicon Valley - Path Dependence Analysis. In M. Dowling (Ed.), Advances in Interdisciplinary European Entrepreneurship Research Munster: LIT-Verlag. [details]


    • Vinig, G. T. (Ed.), & van der Voort, R. C. W. (2005). The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Economics. (Research on technological innovation, management and policy; Vol. 9). Elsevier JAI. [details]
    • Vinig, G. T., Li, Z., & van der Voort, R. C. W. (2005). Entrepreneurship as Population Behavior - Evolutionary Game Analysis. In S. A. Zahra (Ed.), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2005: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Wellesly, MA: AMBCE.


    • van der Voort, R. C. W. (2002). Implementing E-Learning within IBM: a complementary method to traditional training. In On Line Educa, 8th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training (pp. 41-43). Berlin. [details]
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