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Dr. I.C. (Isabelle) Oostveen-de Vink MSc

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Developmental Disorders and Special Education

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Description

    Isabelle Oostveen-de Vink works as an assistant professor at the Research Institute of Child Development and Education (RICDE). She teaches in the bachelor- and master study programmes of pedagogical sciences and researches academic skills in primary schools, like mathematical skill. Before this, Isabelle conducted her doctoral research on promoting creative thinking in mathematics education.

  • Publications


    • Oostveen-de Vink, I. C., Willemsen, R. H., Keijzer, R., Lazonder, A. W., & Kroesbergen, E. H. (2023). Supporting creative problem solving in primary geometry education. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 48, Article 101307.
    • Willemsen, R. H., de Vink, I. C., Kroesbergen, E. H., & Lazonder, A. W. (2023). The role of creative thinking in children's scientific reasoning. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 49, Article 101375.
    • de Vink, I. C., Hornstra, L., & Kroesbergen, E. H. (2023). Latent Profile Analysis of Working Memory: Relations with Creativity and Academic Achievement. Creativity Research Journal. Advance online publication.
    • de Vink, I. C., Tolboom, J. L. J., & van Beekum, O. (2023). Exploring the effects of near-peer teaching in robotics education: The role of STEM attitudes. Informatics in Education, 22(2), 329-350.


    • Lazonder, A. W., Willemsen, R. H., de Vink, I. C., Roseboom-Folmer, J., Arends, O., Jongen, A. P., van Keulen, Y. Q., Oudenhoven, L. J. G., & Kroesbergen, E. H. (2022). Development and validation of RATje: A Remote Associates Test for Dutch children. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 44, Article 101042.
    • de Vink, I. C., Lazonder, A. W., Willemsen, R. H., Schoevers, E. M., & Kroesbergen, E. H. (2022). The creative mathematical thinking process. In The creative mathematical thinking process (pp. 147-172)
    • de Vink, I. C., Willemsen, R. H., Lazonder, A. W., & Kroesbergen, E. H. (2022). Creativity in mathematics performance: The role of divergent and convergent thinking. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(2), Article e12459.




    • van Leeuwen, A., de Vink, I., & Corbalan, G. (2018). Studentpercepties over drie typen kennisclips. OnderwijsInnovatie, 33-35.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Oostveen-de Vink, I. (2022-). Panama is opgericht in 1981 en was oorspronkelijk een nascholingsproject voor docenten rekenen-wiskunde aan de Pedagogische Academies. Dat verklaart (…), Panama programmacommissie.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

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  • Ancillary activities
    • Freudenthal Instituut
      Lid programmacommissie Panamaconferentie