Hugo van der Velden, The donor’s image. Gerard Loyet and the votive
portraits of Charles the Bold, Turnhout (Brepols Publishers) 2000, XII +
388 pp.
In preparation:
Hugo van der Velden, Jan van Eyck in Holland, (expected 2015)
Selected Publications
Hugo van der Velden, “A reply to Volker Herzner and a note on the putative
author of the Ghent Quatrain”, Simiolus 35 (2011), pp. 131-141
Hugo van der Velden, “The quatrain of The Ghent altarpiece”,
Simiolus 35 (2011), pp. 5-39
Hugo van der Velden, “Boekbespreking van Friso Lammertse en Jeroen Giltaij
(red.), Vroege Hollanders. Schilderkunst van de late middeleeuwen,
Rotterdam (Museum Boijmans van Beuningen) 2008”, Oud Holland 123
(2010), pp. 305-313
Hugo van der Velden, various entries, Susan Marti, Till-Holger Borchert,
Gabriele Keck (ed.), Karl der Kühne (1433-1477). Kunst, Krieg und
Hofkultur, Brussels 2008, nr. 65, p. 252; nrs 73-74, p. 260
Hugo van der Velden, “Diptych Altarpieces and the Principle of Dextrality”,
John Hand, Ron Spronk (ed.), Essays in Context: Unfolding the Netherlandish
Diptych, Cambridge and New Haven 2006, 124-155
Hugo van der Velden, “A Prayer Roll of Henry Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick”,
Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Anne S. Korteweg (eds), Tributes in Honor of James H.
Marrow. Studies in Painting and Manuscript Illumination of the Late Middle Ages
and Northern Renaissance, London and Turnhout 2006, pp. 521-549
Hugo van der Velden, “Huizinga en Van Eyck. De Herfsttij bezien door
de bril van Jeremia”, De Gids, 168 (2005), pp 141-151
Hugo van der Velden, “A prayer roll of Henry Beauchamp, duke of Warwick”,
exhibition catalogue Gothic: Art for England 1400-1547, London
(V&A) 2003
Hugo van der Velden, “Karel de Stoute op bedevaart: de aanschaf van
pelgrimstekens door de graaf van Charolais”, H.J.E. van Beuningen, A.M.
Koldeweij (ed.), Heilig en Profaan II. 1200 laatmiddeleeuwse insignes uit
openbare en particuliere collecties, Cothen 2001, pp. 234-241
Hugo van der Velden, “Petrus Christus's Our Lady of the Dry Tree. A note
on the influence of the veneration of images on early Netherlandish
painting”, Wessel Reinink, Jeroen Stumpel (ed.), Memory & Oblivion.
Proceedings of the XXIXth International Congress of the History of Art held in
Amsterdam, 1-7 September 1996, Dordrecht 1999, p. 635
Hugo van der Velden, “Medici votive images and the scope and limits of
likeness”, Luke Syson, Nicholas Mann (ed.), The Image of the Individual.
Portraits in the renaissance, London 1998, pp. 126-137
Hugo van der Velden, “Defrocking St Eloy: Petrus Christus’s Vocational
portrait of a goldsmith”, Simiolus, 26 (1998), pp. 242-276
Hugo van der Velden, “Petrus Christus's Our Lady of the Dry Tree”,
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 60 (1997), pp. 89-110
Hugo van der Velden, “Gebeurlijcke wercking en wesentlijcke
hoedanigheyt. Exemplum en personificatie in Hertels Ripa-uitgave”, De
Zeventiende Eeuw, 11 (1995), pp. 42-55
Hugo van der Velden, “Cambyses reconsidered: Gerard David's exemplum
iustitiae for Bruges town hall”, Simiolus, 23 (1995), pp. 40-62
Hugo van der Velden, “Cambyses for example: the origins and functions of an
‘exemplum iustitiae' in Netherlandish art of the fifteenth, sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries”, Simiolus, 23 (1995), pp. 5-39
Hugo van der Velden, “De broer van de koning met de dood bedreigd: een
‘exemplum iustitiae’ in de vijftiende- en zestiende-eeuwse Nederlandse kunst”,
Oud Holland, 108 (1994), pp. 157-170