Prof. Dr Evert Verhulp
professor of labour law
Faculty of Law/ AIAS-HSi
Arbeidsmarktresearch UvA bv
Postbusnummer 15609
1001 NC Amsterdam
University of Amsterdam
+31 20 525 3400
+31 6 13737624
Evert Verhulp received his law degree at the University of Amsterdam in 1988. During the following four years he worked for the Dutch labour union AbvaKabo (union for employees workingfor the government or subsidised organisations) in Zoetermeer and Utrecht . Subsequently he workedfor the Legal Department of the FNV (Dutch Trade Union Federation) for another four years. In 1996 he became a sworn lawyer. In the meantime he started writing his dissertation on the freedom of speech of employees and public servants. He successfully defended his thesis in 1997. In his dissertation, Verhulp pleaded for legislation on the freedom of speech of employees. This plea has recently received increasing support. In 1997 Verhulp was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Labour and Social Security Law at the University of Amsterdam . Verhulp practised law until January 1 st , 2002. Asof that date, he was appointed full Professor of Labour Law. In 2003 he became substitute Deputy Justice at the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, and in 2006 independent (appointed by the crown) member of the commission on employment, enterprise and codetermination of the Social Economic Council (SER), in 2012 he was appointed as independent member of the Council and from 2015 to 2022 he was member of the board of the Council. In 2008/2009 Verhulp chaired an independent research mission to the Kyrgyz Republic at the request of the International Labour Organisation. Verhulp is a member of several editorial staffs and member of several independent committees. Verhulp is member of the supervisory board of Unilever Holdings Nederland BV (2022). He chairs the board of "de grote kerk Naarden' and is member of the board of Stichting Kriterion (student companies).
In his publications, Verhulp mainly addresses the law governing collective agreements, trade unionsm, dismissal and the functioning of basic laws in Labour law.
Until 2003 Verhulp worked as a lawyer besides his scientific activities. In 2003 he was appointed Substitute Judge at the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam. Furthermore, Verhulp is a member of the Commission for Integrity of the national government and the Commission for 'Klokkenluiders' (Whistleblowers) of Dutch municipalities. In 2012 -2022 he was appointed as an independent member to the Dutch Social Economic Council (SER). He is also member of the advice and arbitration comite (labour dispute settlements) of local governments. Verhulp had been chairman of the Dutch Society for Labour law from 2004 to 2009. He is editor of several Dutch journals on Labour law.
See also the Dutch page and see for publications: