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Mr. E.C.A. (Liesbeth) Verkuyl

PhD Student
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Educational Sciences
Area of expertise: Workplace Learning Labs

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Profile

    Students in higher professional education (hbo) are increasingly educated and trained in learning environments at the boundary of school and practice. In such ‘workplace learning labs’ (WPLLs) students conduct authentic professional tasks guided by a supervisor and a higher professional education lecturer. However, there are hardly any insights on how higher professional education lecturers can fulfill their role in these workplace learning labs. This PhD research will develop such insights and translate them into a professionalization framework for higher professional education lecturers. The research question is: How can hbo lecturers shape their role, within the context of a WPLL and, in collaboration with work supervisors, to: 1. designing activities for student learning, 2. guiding students and 3. strengthening the connection between WPLL and school?

  • Research

    Research methods

    A multiple case study design is used. Data will be collected by e.g. participatory observations, in-depth interviews and focus groups with lecturers, supervisors, students, educational managers, educational experts. Additionally, we ask the involved lecturers to keep logbooks, which provide information on a daily basis.

    Research grants

    • NWO Lecturers Grant

    Current cooperation

    • Hogeschool van Amsterdam, lector R. Kwekkeboom (copromotor)
    •  Langdurige Zorg en ondersteuning Hogeschool van Amsterdam
    • Frank Cornelissen en Monique Volman, promotors UvA
  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities