I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Psychological Methods departement at the University of Amsterdam. My main interests lie in three research lines.
First, I am part of a team that is currently creating and validating an agent-based pedestrian model (Minds for Mobile Agents; M4MA). With this model, we aim to capture and predict pedestrian in a wide range of scenarios.
Additionally, I investigate the applicability of (non)linear models for understanding intensive longitudinal data, exemplified by my research on the Affective Ising Model (AIM). In this research, I typically focus on both the model’s assumptions and whether the model can reproduce the patterns we observe in the data, finding that nonlinear patterns cannot always be explained away.
Finally, I am interested in in a wide range of psychometric questions of which I am currently working on two. First, I am investigating the reliability and validity of the measurements we obtain from an RTLS positioning systems that we use to collect data for the M4MA project. Second, I am interested in the connection between the qualitative phenomena that we are interested in and the quantitative ratings that we typically obtain from our studies (e.g., rating scales in emotion research).
Research expertise
- Dynamical Systems
- Affect Dynamics
- Pedestrian Models
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