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Dr. U. (Ulrike) Thuerheimer

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Accounting

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: M 2.16
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Assistant Professor | University of Amsterdam (2022-today)

    Lecturer (Assistant Professor) | UNSW Sydney (2020-2022)

    PhD Accounting | Maastricht University (2020)

    M.Sc. Business Research (Accounting) | Maastricht University (2015)

    B.Sc. International Business | Maastricht University (2013)



    Ulrike joined the Amsterdam Business School (University of Amsterdam) in March 2022. Prior to that, she was a lecturer (assistant professor) at the School of Accounting at UNSW Sydney. In 2020, she completed her PhD in Accounting at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. During her PhD, she spent time as a Doctoral Research Fellow at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College (2018-2019) and as a visiting PhD student at UNSW (2017, 2018, 2019). She holds a B.Sc. in International Business and an M.Sc. Business Research from Maastricht University.

  • Research


    • Value of auditing
    • Audit quality
    • Audit production
    • Sustainability reporting and assurance



    Ulrike's research centers around the value of auditing and audit quality. She is interested in factors that affect audit production and audit quality. Specifically, her research investigates the quality of group audits, the effectiveness of public oversight and auditor's incentives from regulation and litigation. As a co-investigator of research grants from the Dutch Foundation for Auditing Research, she investigates the auditor's detection and correction of misstatements, audit production and the effect of audit committee involvement on audit quality. She has published in the Journal of Accounting Research.

  • Teaching

    Teaching activities (current year)

    1) Course coordinator and instructor: Sustainability Reporting and Assurance (Specialization Accounting & Control, 3rd year B.Sc.).

    2) Instructor: Auditing (M.Sc. Accountancy).


    Thesis supervision

    I supervise M.Sc. theses in the areas of auditing and sustainability accounting and assurance. Thesis topics in these areas are suggested during the Research Seminar Accountancy and Control

  • Publications



    • Carson, E., Simnett, R., Thurheimer, U., & Vanstraelen, A. (2022). Involvement of Component Auditors in Multinational Group Audits: Determinants, Audit Quality, and Audit Fees. Journal of Accounting Research , 60(4), 1419-1462.


    • van Raak, J. J. F., & Thürheimer, U. (2016). Opportunities to improve the measurement of audit quality: A call for collaboration between the profession and academics. MAB, 90(9), 352-358.


    • Thuerheimer, U. (2020). Context matters: Essays on factors affecting the supply of audit quality and audit outcomes.


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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities