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S. (Stacy) Shinneman MSc

Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C4.204
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • About my work at IBED

    As a member of the Computational Support team, I support IBED scientific staff and students with anything related to geospatial data and geographic information systems. I contribute to ongoing research and education, create maps and visualizations, and develop geospatial analysis workflows mostly using ESRI ArcGIS and R/RStudio.   

    I have a special interest in communicating science to project stakeholders and the public using maps, visualizations and infographics. Here are the story maps that I have created using ArcGIS to highlight specific IBED research projects:

    Monitoring wildlife in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes

    This story map ( shows how our team at IBED and Waternet developed a cost-efficient automated camera trap network designed to monitor wildlife in a Natura 2000 protected site. We used ArcGIS to create the sampling design, which integrated detailed geospatial data related to habitat and site features. I also provide support to the field team when they need to change sensor locations and create maps for reports, publications and presentations.


    Interactions between birds and offshore wind farms

    This story map ( provides an overview of research carried out during the Interactions between birds and offshore wind farms: drivers consequences and tools for migration project. The project began in 2018 as an effort to develop knowledge and tools to support the sustainable co-existence of birds and offshore wind farms in the North Sea. It was a five-year effort carried out by IBED researchers and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) led by Prof. Dr. Judy Shamoun-Baranes of IBED.


    Mapping the geomorphology of mountainous areas

    We created an ArcGIS Story Map ( to present multi-level digital geomorphological maps developed by the Research Foundation for Alpine and Subalpine Environments and the University of Amsterdam IBED. This innovative, three-digital mapping method was developed in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg and published in 2021 in the Journal of Maps (DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2021.1897047).


    Eemshaven Showcase project

    As a Research Assistant at IBED from 2018-2019 I worked on the Eemshaven Showcase project, a feasibility study designed to investigate spatial and temporal dynamics of bird migration around the Eemshaven wind park using meteorological radar data. This study aimed to improve knowledge about collision-induced mortality of migrating birds and explore the use of temporary shutdowns to mitigate bird mortality. I analyzed and synthesized radar data, created visualizations for stakeholders and collaborators, and developed and implemented a methodology to use weather forecasts to predict nights of high migration to support field investigations. I also contributed to project management, generating meeting materials and report writing.


    Other (non-spatial) skills

    I enjoy working on interdisciplinary, collaborative projects with multiple partners from across academia, industry, government and consulting. I have extensive experience in project management, technical writing and facilitating communication among collaborators and stakeholders, especially for large, technical projects. One of my soft skills is fostering a collaborative work environment for researchers and students by ensuring that knowledge and skills are being communicated and shared.


    Before IBED

    I was a Research Fellow in the Clinical Informatics & Health Outcomes Research Group at University of Surrey, UK, where I supported the Integrate study, a real-world implementation of one-health and big data concepts which focused on innovative, rapid gastroenteritis surveillance based on UK primary care data from 2015-2017.  During this project, I developed a special appreciation for ontologies. Prior to making the move to Europe, I worked for over ten years in the United States and Venezuela in the field of environmental consulting which kick-started my interest in GIS and databasing. I also had many opportunities to get my hands dirty doing field work in exotic (and not-so-exotic) locations.

  • Publications


    • Kissling, W. D., Evans, J. C., Zilber, R., Breeze, T. D., Shinneman, S., Schneider, L. C., Chalmers, C., Fergus, P., Wich, S., & Geelen, L. H. W. T. (2024). Development of a cost-efficient automated wildlife camera network in a European Natura 2000 site. Basic and Applied Ecology, 79, 141-152.


    • De Jong, M. G. G., Sterk, H. P., Shinneman, S., & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2021). Hierarchical geomorphological mapping in mountainous areas. Journal of Maps, 17(2), 214-225. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Rijsdijk, K. F., Buijs, S., Quartau, R., Aguilée, R., Norder, S. J., Ávila, S. P., Teixeira de Medeiros, S. M., Carreiro Nunes, J. C., Elias, R. B., Melo, C. S., Stocchi, P., Shinneman, S., Koene, E. F. M., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., de Boer, W. M., & Borges, P. A. V. (2020). Recent geospatial dynamics of Terceira (Azores, Portugal) and the theoretical implications for the biogeography of active volcanic islands. Frontiers of Biogeography, 12(3), Article e45003. [details]


    • Liyanage, H., Shinneman, S., Hoang, U., Ferreira, F., Alexander, D., Rigby, M., Blair, M., & de Lusignan, S. (2018). Profiling Databases to Facilitate Comparison of Child Health Systems Across Europe Using Standardised Quality Markers. In Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created eHealth (Vol. 247, pp. 61-65). (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics). IOS Press.


    • de Lusignan, S., Shinneman, S., Yonova, I., van Vlymen, J., Elliot, A. J., Bolton, F., Smith, G. E., & O'Brien, S. (2017). An Ontology to Improve Transparency in Case Definition and Increase Case Finding of Infectious Intestinal Disease: Database Study in English General Practice. JMIR Medical Informatics, 5(3), e34.


    • Shinneman, S., Kissling, W. D., Evans, J. C., Zilber, R., Breeze, T., Schneider, L., Carl, C., Fergus, P., Wich, S. A., & Geelan, L. (2024). Monitoring wildlife in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes: Development of a cost-efficient automated wildlife camera network in a European Natura 2000 site. Web publication or website, .


    • Hoekstra, B. D., Shinneman, S., De Groeve, J., Wijers, B., Kranstauber, B., & Shamoun-Baranes, J. Z. (2024). Vogeltrek in kaart brengen met weer- & vogelradars.



    • Shinneman, S. (other) & Shamoun-Baranes, J. (other) (2023). ArcGIS Story Map: Interactions between birds and offshore wind farms (other).


    • Shinneman, S., Hoekstra, B. & Shamoun-Baranes, J. (2-6-2024). Vogeltrek in kaart brengen met weer- & vogelradars. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Lumbierres, M., Abecasis, D., Alcaraz-Segura, D., Alison, J., Álvarez-Presas, M., Anderle, M., Avci, F., Bajocco, S., Baldo, M., Beja, P., Bergamini, A., Bergami, C., Blanco-Aguiar, J., Boada, J., Bonn, A., Borges, P., Borja, A., Breeze, T., Brotons, L., … Kissling, D. (14-4-2024). EuropaBON EBV workflow templates. Zenodo.


    • De Jong, M. G. G., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, A. C. & Shinneman, S. (25-4-2021). ArcGIS Map packages with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Au West study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M. G. G., Shinneman, S., Sterk, H. & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (23-4-2021). ArcGIS Map packages with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Dunza-Tschengla study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M. G. G., Sterk, H., Shinneman, S. & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (23-4-2021). Geomorphology model (ArcMap version), input datasets and legend symbology files. Zenodo.
    • Sterk, H., Shinneman, S., Seijmonsbergen, A. C., De Jong, M. G. G. & Jong, M. G. G. . (23-4-2021). Symbology layer files: Hierarchical geomorphological mapping in mountainous areas. Zenodo.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Geomorphology model (ArcGIS Pro version), input datasets and legend symbology files. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Map package (ArcMap version) with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Au West study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Map package (ArcGIS Pro version) with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Dunza-Tschengla study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Geomorphology model (ArcMap version), input datasets and legend symbology files. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Map package (ArcMap version) with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Dunza-Tschengla study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M., Sterk, H., Seijmonsbergen, H. & Shinneman, S. (12-4-2021). Map package (ArcGIS Pro version) with geomorphological and geographical datasets used to generate maps for Au West study area in Vorarlberg, Austria. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Shinneman, S., Sterk, H., De Jong, M. & Seijmonsbergen, H. (12-4-2021). Symbology layer files developed in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro for the purpose of visualizing geomorphological codes using predefined color palettes. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • De Jong, M. G. G., Sterk, H., Shinneman, S. & Seijmonsbergen, A. C. (2021). Geomorphology model (ArcGIS Pro version), input datasets and legend symbology files. Zenodo.
    • Seijmonsbergen, A. C., Shinneman, S., De Jong, M. G. G. & Sterk, H. (2021). Symbology layer files developed in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro for the purpose of visualizing geomorphological codes using predefined color palettes. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Shinneman, S., Rijsdijk, K. F., Norder, S., Seijmonsbergen, H., de Boer, T., Buijs, S., Quartau, R., Aguilée, R., Teixeira de Medeiros, S. M., Carreiro-Nunes, J. C., Elias, R. B., Melo, C. S., Stocchi, P., Koene, E. F. M. & Borges, P. A. V. (6-5-2020). Supplementary file geodatabase containing Terceira GIS data. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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  • Ancillary activities
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