I am a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the sociology department at the University of Amsterdam, working on the project RECOGNITION, (religious cognition among migrants). In this project, I am researching the multifaceted Chinese communities in the Netherlands while contributing to the development of cross-culturally comparable measurements to asses religion among migrants. For my doctoral thesis affiliated with Tel Aviv University, I have studied contemporary Buddhism in China culminating with a thesis titled: “Multiple Liminalities of Lay Buddhism in 21st century China- Modalities, Material Culture, and Politics” (under contract).
My academic grounding is China Studies, Religious studies, and Cultural Sociology with a strong orientation towards ethnographic and mixed methods research, online and field-based ethnography. My research stands in the nexus of several primary interests: Religion and spirituality among Chinese societies and diasporic Chinese communities; heritage and material culture of Chinese religions; Chinese religious and cultural production in new media and religion and politics of the Chinese sphere.