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Dr. J.B.M.M.Y. (Jamal) Shahin

Modern European History
Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: G2.01A
Postal address
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Jamal Shahin is part time Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam and part time Research Professor at the Institute for European Studies (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). He holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Hull (2004). In Amsterdam, he lectures on the BA and MA programmes in European Studies. His courses concern the governance of the contemporary EU and the importance of linking theory and practice to inform better research and policy. He is also very interested in implementing new teaching methods in his work. He is a member of the European Studies Board of Studies.

    His research interests focus on: global internet governance, political participation in the European Union, EU governance, and the impact of the internet on policymaking. Jamal is keen to explore how new forms of social and political organisation at the global level influence effectiveness and legitimacy of decision making. He is also particularly interested in the way in which the EU attempts to communicate its role in both domestic and international venues. Jamal is also very interested in the relationship between science and society, and has carried out research with colleagues in Brussels on how to optimise dialogue between disciplines to ensure relevant and useful research can help critique, design and improve policy.

    Jamal predominantly works on externally-funded projects in Brussels. He currently coordinates two major ones within the institute: 

    1. the GREMLIN project on Global and Regional Multistakeholder Institutions, which is a joint project with the Centre for EU studies at the University of Ghent, supported by the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies in Bruges (2017–2021).

    2. the PARENT project, which is supported by Innoviris and the JPI Urban Europe funding scheme (2016–2019).

    He also collaborates on the GIPO project, supported by the European Commission (2015–2017), and works closely with Ferran Davesa on EU governance and communication issues.

    Jamal is an infrequent user of twitter:@jshahinlinkedin:jshahin and researchgate.

  • Publications




    • Drieghe, L., Orbie, J., Potjomkina, D., & Shahin, J. (2022). Participation of Civil Society in EU Trade Policy Making: How Inclusive is Inclusion? New Political Economy, 27(4), 581-596. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Shahin, J. (2022). Coping with New Technologies. In A. Menon, & S. Usherwood (Eds.), State of the European Union (pp. 44-46). UACES.
    • Tjahja, N., Meyer, T., & Shahin, J. (2022). Who do you think you are? Individual stakeholder identification and mobility at the Internet Governance Forum. Telecommunications Policy, 46(10), Article 102410. [details]






    • Shahin, J. (2012). The international telecommunication union. In Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: Performance, Policy, Power (pp. 234-246). Taylor and Francis Ltd..
    • Shahin, J., & Terzis, G. (2012). The European Public Sphere and Multilevel Governance: Structures and Actors. In L. Morganti, & L. Bekemans (Eds.), The European Public Sphere: From Critical Thinking to Responsible Action (pp. 213-222). P.I.E.-Peter Lang.



    • Shahin, J. (2010). Future trends in e-governance: linking policy, practice and research. In A. Balcı, C. Can Aktan, & Ö. Dalbay (Eds.), Explorations in eGovernment & eGovernance: selected proceedings of second International Conference on eGovernment and eGovernance organized by The International Satellite and Cable Operator (TURKSAT) and Social Sciences Research Society (SoSReS), 11-12 March 2010, Antalya, Turkey. - Vol. 2 (pp. 1-12). TURKSAT/SoBiAD. [details]


    • Shahin, J., & Finger, M. (2009). The history of a European information society: shifts from governments to governance. In J. Tubtimhin, & R. Pipe (Eds.), Advancing e-governance through innovation and leadership (pp. 62-83). (Global e-governance series; No. 2). IOS Press.


    • Shahin, J. (2008). Commission leadership and the Internet: dragging the net through choppy waters. In J. Hayward (Ed.), Leaderless Europe (pp. 227-245). Oxford University Press.
    • Shahin, J. B. M. M. Y., Finger, M., Leitner, C., Millard, J., & Tallo, I. (2008). Executive eGovernment Education: experiences, challenges and opportunities for the future. In E. Ferro, J. Scholl, & M. A. Wimmer (Eds.), Electronic government: proceedings of ongoing research, project contributions and workshops, Turin, Italy, 1-4 September, 2008: 7th International Conference EGOV 2008 (pp. 321-323). Trauner.
    • Shahin, J., & Finger, M. (2008). The Operationalisation of e-Governance. In T. Janowski, & T. A. Pardo (Eds.), ICEGOV 2008 Cairo: proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Cairo, Egypt, 1-4 December 2008 (pp. 24-30). (ACM international conference proceedings series). ACM Press. [details]


    • Shahin, J. (2007). The reassertion of the state: governance and the information revolution. In M. Dunn, S. F. Krishna-Hensel, & V. Mauer (Eds.), The resurgence of the state: trends and processes in cyberspace governance (pp. 9-34). Ashgate.
    • Shahin, J. B. M. M. Y., & Neuhold, C. (2007). The European Parliament’s communication policy: using "new" information and communication technologies to open up to citizens or staying with established interests? Journal of Legislative Studies, 13(3), 388-402.
    • Shahin, J., & Neuhold, C. (2007). ‘Connecting europe’: The Use of ‘New’ information and communication technologies within european parliament standing committees. Journal of Legislative Studies, 13(3), 388-402.


    • Shahin, J. (2004). Mixing vision with reality: E-gov e-u style. In Proceedings - 2004 Iternational Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, ICTTA 2004 (pp. 21-22). (Proceedings - 2004 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, ICTTA 2004).


    • Shahin, J. (2023). Digital Sovereignty: unpacking the policy, decoding the concept. In Leiden University and Elsevier symposium 2023: The many perspectives on Digital Sovereignty Elsevier.



    • Meyer, T., Shahin, J., Söebech, Ó., & Bernecker, P. (2019). PARENT Joint Pilots and Living Labs Evaluation Report: D7.5.




    • Oberthür, S., Jørgensen, K. E., & Shahin, J. (2013). The performance of the EU in international institutions. Routledge. [details]
    • Shahin, J. (2013). The European Union's performance in the International Telecommunication Union. In S. Oberthür, K. E. Jørgensen, & J. Shahin (Eds.), The performance of the EU in international institutions (pp. 85-100). Routledge. [details]
    • Shahin, J. (2013). The International Telecommunication Union. In K. E. Jørgensen, & K. V. Laatikainen (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: performance, policy, power (pp. 234-246). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge. [details]


    • Shahin, J., & Terzis, G. (2012). Multilevel governance and the European public sphere. In L. Morganti, & L. Bekemans (Eds.), The European public sphere: from critical thinking to responsible action (pp. 213-222). (Multiple Europes; No. 48). P.I.E. Peter Lang. [details]


    • Shahin, J. (2011). EU eGovernment funded research: filling holes in the state of the art. In A. Ghoneim, V. Weerakkody, & M. Kamal (Eds.), Proceedings of the Transforming Government Workshop (tGov2011), Brunel University, London, UK [cd-rom] Brunel University. [details]


    • Shahin, J., Soebech, O., & Millard, J. (2009). Participation in the European Project: How to mobilise citizens at the local, regional, national, and European levels. Committee of the Regions.


    • Shahin, J., & Finger, M. (2008). ICANN’s GAC and the global governance of the Internet: the role of the EU in bringing ‘government’ back to Internet governance. In Third GigaNet Annual Symposium: Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), India, 2 December 2008: program agenda with links to full papers and presenters' photos Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet).


    • Shahin, J. B. (2007). The EU's use of the Internet. In A-V. Anttiroiko, & M. Mälkiä (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Digital Government (pp. 774-783). Idea Group Reference.


    • Berce, J., Bianchi, A., Centeno, C., Osimo, D., Millard, J., & Shahin, J. (2006). The Organisation and Coordination of European e-Government research for EU in 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4084, 37-46.
    • Shahin, J. B. (2006). A European history of the Internet. Science and Public Policy, 33(9), 681-693.


    • Shahin, J., Pascu, C., Misuraca, G., & Romano, L. (2022). Annual Report on Cybersecurity Research and Innovation Needs and Priorities: Research and Innovation Brief. ENISA, the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security.
    • Tjahja, N., Shahin, J. B. M. M. Y., & Meyer, T. (2022). Who Do You Think We Are? Recommendations to Improve our Knowledge of the Composition of Multistakeholder Participation at the IGF. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.






    • Millard, J., & Shahin, J. (2010). Consultancy support to GCC ICT Authorities to assist in creating common guidelines and strategies to enhance the development of eGovernment within the eGULF Initiative: final report. Danish Technological Institute; Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. [details]
    • Shahin, J. (2010). The role of the International Telecommunication Union. Wereldbeeld: Tijdschrift voor de Verenigde Naties, 34(154), 11-16. [details]



    • Shahin, J. B. (2006). Towards the eGovernment vision: research policy challenges. European Commission (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies).


    • Shahin, J. B. M. M. Y., & Meyer, T. (2016). The Historical Legacy of the Internet: Tensions between Multiple Institutional Frameworks. Paper presented at European Union in International Affairs Conference, Brussels, Belgium.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation


    • Shahin, J. (participant) (3-5-2021 - 10-5-2021). Furthering Debates on Digital Sovereignty (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Shahin, J. (organiser) (26-1-2021). Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ypeij, A. (organiser), Noack, C. (organiser), Mühlenhoff, H. (organiser), Bellanova, R. (organiser), Kalinovsky, A. (organiser) & Shahin, J. (participant) (11-12-2019). Interview Technique Workshop, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • de Bruin, R. (organiser), Lok, M. (organiser), Brolsma, M. (organiser), Vos, C. (organiser) & Shahin, J. (organiser) (26-6-2019). The Image of Europe, Amsterdam. Organisation valedictory seminar for Michael Wintle, "The Image of Europe", and "book launch" edited volume: Eurocentrism in European History and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Shahin, J. (organiser), Ypeij, J. L. (organiser), Noack, C. U. (organiser), Muehlenhoff, H. L. (organiser), Kalinovsky, A. M. (organiser), Vos, C. (organiser) & Bellanova, R. (participant) (18-1-2019). Interview Techniques Workshop, Amsterdam. N (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Shahin, J. (other) (19-1-2017). Auditor (other).
    • Shahin, J. (organiser) & van Leeuwen, C. W. (organiser) (18-1-2017). Interview Techniques Workshop, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Brebenel, S. (2023). Institutionalism, intergovermentalism and beyond: Compromise building mechanisms in EU enlargement processes: EU Council negotiations on Serbia's EU accession. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Shahin, J., Hoogenboom, S., Morais, C., & Gulyas, O. (2021). Furthering Debates in Digital Sovereignty: Academics meet Industry.
    • Shahin, J., Morais, C., & Hoogenboom, S. (2021). Furthering Debates in Digital Sovereignty: Academics meet Civil Society.
    • Shahin, J., van Wieren, C., Hoogenboom, S., & Morais, C. (2021). Furthering debates on Digital Sovereignty: Academics meet Technical Experts.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Vrije Universiteit Brussel
      Postdoctoral Researcher