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Dr. S. (Stevan) Rudinac

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Business Analytics
Photographer: Christina Chouchena

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: M0.26
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Associate Professor at the Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam

    Guest Researcher at the Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam

    Research interests

    Multimedia analytics, computer vision, information retrieval, machine learning

    Current research focus

    Multimedia analytics applications in urban computing, business and security


  • Publications


    • Groenen, I., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2024). PanorAMS: Automatic Annotation for Detecting Objects in Urban Context. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 26, 1281-1294.
    • Khan, O. S., Zhu, H., Sharma, U., Kanoulas, E., Rudinac, S., & Jónsson, B. Þ. (2024). Exquisitor at the Video Browser Showdown 2024: Relevance Feedback Meets Conversational Search. In S. Rudinac, A. Hanjalic, C. Liem, M. Worring, B. Þ. Jónsson, B. Liu, & Y. Yamakata (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling : 30th International Conference, MMM 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 29-February 2, 2024 : proceedings (Vol. IV, pp. 347–355). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14557). Springer. [details]
    • Li, J., Osseyran, A., Hekster, R., Rudinac, S., Codreanu, V., & Podareanu, D. (2024). Improving the speed and quality of cancer segmentation using lower resolution pathology images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(4), 11999-12015.
    • Li, J., Wang, S., Rudinac, S., & Osseyran, A. (2024). High-performance computing in healthcare: An automatic literature analysis perspective. Journal of Big Data, 11, Article 61.
    • Sharma, U., Rudinac, S., Demmers, J., van Dolen, W. M., & Worring, M. (2024). From pixels to perceptions: Capturing high-level abstract concepts in visual user-generated content. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 4(2), Article 100269. Advance online publication.
    • Sharma, U., Rudinac, S., Demmers, J., van Dolen, W., & Worring, M. (2024). GreenScreen: A Multimodal Dataset for Detecting Corporate Greenwashing in the Wild. In S. Rudinac, A. Hanjalic, C. Liem, M. Worring, B. Þ. Jónsson, B. Liu, & Y. Yamakata (Eds.), Multimedia Modeling: 30th International Conference, MMM 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 29-February 2, 2024 : proceedings (Vol. V, pp. 96-109). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14565). Springer. [details]
    • Sukel, M., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2024). Multimodal Temporal Fusion Transformers are Good Product Demand Forecasters. IEEE Multimedia, 31(2), 48-60. [details]
    • Wang, S., Shen, J., Efthymiou, A., Rudinac, S., Kackovic, M., Wijnberg, N., & Worring, M. (2024). Prototype-Enhanced Hypergraph Learning for Heterogeneous Information Networks. In S. Rudinac, A. Hanjalic, C. Liem, M. Worring, B. Þ. Jónsson, B. Liu, & Y. Yamakata (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 30th International Conference, MMM 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 29–February 2, 2024 : proceedings (Vol. III, pp. 462-476). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14556). Springer. [details]


    • Dang-Nguyen, D.-T. (Ed.), Gurrin, C. (Ed.), Larson, M., Smeaton, A. F., Rudinac, S. (Ed.), Dao, M.-S. (Ed.), Trattner, C. (Ed.), & Chen, P. (Ed.) (2023). MultiMedia Modeling: 29th International Conference, MMM 2023, Bergen, Norway, January 9–12, 2023 : proceedings. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13834). Springer. [details]
    • Sukel, M., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (in press). GIGO, Garbage in, Garbage out: An Urban Garbage Classification Dataset. In MultiMedia Modeling: 29th International Conference, MMM 2023, Bergen, Norway, January 9–12, 2023 Springer International Publishing.


    • Bright, J., Marchal, N., Ganesh, B., & Rudinac, S. (2022). How Do Individuals in a Radical Echo Chamber React to Opposing Views? Evidence from a Content Analysis of Stormfront. Human Communication Research, 48(1), 116-146. [details]
    • Glistrup, M., Rudinac, S., & Jónsson, B. Þ. (2022). Urban Image Geo-Localization Using Open Data on Public Spaces. In Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing: September 14-16, 2022, Graz, Austria (pp. 50-56). ACM. [details]
    • Khan, O. S., Sharma, U., Jónsson, B. Þ., Koelma, D. C., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & Zahálka, J. (2022). Exquisitor at the Video Browser Showdown 2022. In B. Þ. Jónsson, C. Gurrin, M.-T. Tran, D.-T. Dang-Nguyen, AM.-C. Hu, B. Huynh Thi Thanh, & B. Huet (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 28th International Conference, MMM 2022, Phu Quoc, Vietnam, June 6–10, 2022 : proceedings (Vol. II, pp. 511-517). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13142). Springer. [details]


    • Efthymiou, A., Rudinac, S., Kackovic, M., Worring, M., & Wijnberg, N. (2021). Graph Neural Networks for Knowledge Enhanced Visual Representation of Paintings. In MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia : October 20-24, 2021, Virtual Event, China (pp. 3710-3719). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Khan, O. S., Duane, A., Jónsson, B. Þ., Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2021). Exquisitor at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2021: Relationships between Semantic Classifiers. In LSC 2021 : Proceedings of the 4th Annual Lifelog Search Challenge: August 21, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan (pp. 3-6). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Khan, O. S., Jónsson, B. Þ., Larsen, M., Poulsen, L., Koelma, D. C., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & Zahálka, J. (2021). Exquisitor at the Video Browser Showdown 2021: Relationships Between Semantic Classifiers. In J. Lokoč, K. Schoeffmann, X. Li, I. Patras, T. Skopal, V. Mezaris, & S. Vrochidis (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 27th International Conference, MMM 2021 : Prague, Czech Republic, June 22–24, 2021 : proceedings (Vol. 2, pp. 410-416). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; No. 12573). Springer. [details]
    • Khan, O. S., Jónsson, B. Þ., Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2021). Impact of interaction strategies on user relevance feedback. In ICMR '21: proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval : August 21-24, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan (pp. 590-598). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Rudinac, S., Benois-Pineau, J., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2021). Special issue on content-based multimedia indexing in the era of artificial intelligence. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(15), 23133-23134. [details]
    • Rudinac, S., Bozzon, A., Chua, T.-S., Little, S., Gatica-Perez, D., & Aizawa, K. (2021). UrbanMM'21: 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Computing for Urban Data. In MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia : October 20-24, 2021, Virtual Event, China (pp. 5696-5697). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Gornishka, I., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2020). Interactive Search and Exploration in Discussion Forums Using Multimodal Embeddings. In Y. M. Ro, W-C. Cheng, J. Kim, W-T. Chu, P. Cui, J-W. Choi, M-C. Hu, & W. De Neve (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 26th International Conference, MMM 2020, Daejeon, South Korea, January 5–8, 2020 : proceedings (Vol. II, pp. 388-399). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11962). Springer. [details]
    • Jónsson, B. Þ., Khan, O. S., Koelma, D. C., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & Zahálka, J. (2020). Exquisitor at the Video Browser Showdown 2020. In Y. M. Ro, W.-H. Cheng, J. Kim, W.-T. Chu, P. Cui, J.-W. Choi, M.-C. Hu, & W. De Neve (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 26th International Conference, MMM 2020, Daejeon, South Korea, January 5–8, 2020 : proceedings (Vol. II, pp. 796-802). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11962). Springer. [details]
    • Khan, O. S., Jónsson, B. Þ., Rudinac, S., Zahálka, J., Ragnarsdóttir, H., Þorleiksdóttir, Þ., Guðmundsson, G. Þ., Amsaleg, L., & Worring, M. (2020). Interactive Learning for Multimedia at Large. In J. M. Jose, E. Yilmaz, J. Magalhães, P. Castells, N. Ferro, M. J. Silva, & F. Martins (Eds.), Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-17, 2020 : proceedings (Vol. I, pp. 495-510). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12035). Springer. [details]
    • Khan, O. S., Larsen, M. D., Poulsen, L. A. S., Jónsson, B. Þ., Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., Koelma, D., & Worring, M. (2020). Exquisitor at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2020. In LSC '20: proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on the Lifelog Search Challenge : June 08-10, 2020, Dublin, Ireland (pp. 19-22). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Sharma, U., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., Demmers, J., & van Dolen, W. (2020). Semantic Path-Based Learning for Review Volume Prediction. In J. M. Jose, E. Yilmaz, J. Magalhães, P. Castells, N. Ferro, M. J. Silva, & F. Martins (Eds.), Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-17, 2020 : proceedings (Vol. I, pp. 821-835). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12035). Springer. [details]
    • Sukel, M., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2020). Detecting Urban Issues With the Object Detection Kit. In MM '20: proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia : October 12-16, 2020, Virtual Event, USA (pp. 4518–4520). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Sukel, M., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2020). Urban Object Detection Kit: A System for Collection and Analysis of Street-Level Imagery. In ICMR '20: proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval : June 08-11, 2020, Dublin, Ireland (pp. 509-516). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Arya, D., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2019). HyperLearn: A Distributed Approach for Representation Learning in Datasets With Many Modalities. In MM'19: proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Multimedia : October 21-25, 2019, Nice, France (pp. 2245-2253). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Arya, D., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2019). Predicting Behavioural Patterns in Discussion Forums using Deep Learning on Hypergraphs. In C. Gurrin, B. Þ. Jónsson, R. Péteri, S. Rudinac, S. Marchand-Maillet, G. Quénot, K. McGuinness, G. Þ. Guðmundsson, S. Little, M. Katsurai, & G. Healy (Eds.), 2019 International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI): proceedings : September 4-6, 2019, held at: DCU All Hallows Campus, Dublin 9, Ireland (pp. 210-215). IEEE. [details]
    • Khan, O. S., Jónsson, B. Þ., Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2019). Exquisitor at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2019. In LSC'19: Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Lifelog Search Challenge : June 10, 2019, Ottawa, ON, Canada (pp. 7-11). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Ragnarsdóttir, H., Þorleiksdottir, Þ., Khan, O. S., Jónsson, B. Þ., Guðmundsson, G. Þ., Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., Amsaleg, L., & Worring, M. (2019). Exquisitor: Breaking the Interaction Barrier for Exploration of 100 Million Images. In MM'19: proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Multimedia : October 21-25, 2019, Nice, France (pp. 1029-1031). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Sukel, M., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2019). Multimodal Classification of Urban Micro-Events. In MM'19: proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Multimedia : October 21-25, 2019, Nice, France (pp. 1455-1463). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Rudinac, S., Chua, T-S., Diaz-Ferreyra, N., Friedland, G., Gornostaja, T., Huet, B., Kaptein, R., Lindén, K., Moens, M-F., Peltonen, J., Redi, M., Schedl, M., Shamma, D. A., Smeaton, A., & Xie, L. (2018). Rethinking Summarization and Storytelling for Modern Social Multimedia. In K. Schoeffmann, T. H. Chalidabhongse, C. W. Ngo, S. Aramvith, N. E. O'Connor, Y-S. Ho, M. Gabbouj, & A. Elgmamal (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 24th International Conference, MMM 2018 : Bangkok, Thailand, February 5–7, 2018 : Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 632-644). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10704). Springer. [details]
    • Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., Jónsson, B. Þ., Koelma, D. C., & Worring, M. (2018). Blackthorn: Large-Scale Interactive Multimodal Learning. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20(3), 687-698. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Rudinac, S., Gornishka, I., & Worring, M. (2017). Multimodal Classification of Violent Online Political Extremism Content with Graph Convolutional Networks. In Thematic Workshops '17: proceedings of the Thematic Workshops of ACM Multimedia 2017 : October 23-27, 2017, Moutain View, CA, USA (pp. 245-252). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Rudinac, S., Zahálka, J., & Worring, M. (2017). Discovering Geographic Regions in the City Using Social Multimedia and Open Data. In L. Amsaleg, G. Þ. Guðmundsson, C. Gurrin, B. Þ. Jónsson, & S. Satoh (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 23rd International Conference, MMM 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland, January 4-6, 2017 : proceedings (Vol. 2, pp. 148-159). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10133). Springer. [details]


    • Boonzajer Flaes, J., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2016). What Multimedia Sentiment Analysis Says About City Liveability. In N. Ferro, F. Crestani, M-F. Moens, J. Mothe, F. Silvestri, G. M. Di Nunzio, C. Hauff, & G. Silvello (Eds.), Advances in Information Retrieval: 38th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2016, Padua, Italy, March 20–23, 2016 : proceedings (pp. 824-829). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9626). Springer. [details]
    • Jónsson, B. Þ., Worring, M., Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., & Amsaleg, L. (2016). Ten Research Questions for Scalable Multimedia Analytics. In Q. Tian, N. Sebe, G-J. Qi, B. Huet, R. Hong, & X. Liu (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 22nd International Conference, MMM 2016: Miami, FL, USA, January 4-6, 2016: proceedings (Vol. 2, pp. 290-302). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9517). Springer. [details]
    • Mazloom, M., Rietveld, R., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & van Dolen, W. (2016). Multimodal Popularity Prediction of Brand-related Social Media Posts. In MM'16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference : October 15-19, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (pp. 197-201). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., Jónsson, B. Þ., Koelma, D. C., & Worring, M. (2016). Interactive Multimodal Learning on 100 Million Images. In ICMR'16: proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval: June 6-9, 2016, New York, NY, USA (pp. 333-337). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • van den Berg, J., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2016). Scenemash: Multimodal Route Summarization for City Exploration. In N. Ferro, F. Crestani, M-F. Moens, J. Mothe, F. Silvestri, G. M. Di Nunzio, C. Hauff, & G. Silvello (Eds.), Advances in Information Retrieval: 38th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2016, Padua, Italy, March 20–23, 2016 : proceedings (pp. 833-836). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9626). Springer. [details]


    • Redi, J., & Rudinac, S. (2015). CrowdMM 2015- Fourth International ACM Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia. In MM'15: proceedings of the 2015 ACM international conference on Multimedia, October 26-30, 2015, Brisbane, Australia (pp. 1341-1342). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2015). Analytic Quality: Evaluation of Performance and Insight in Multimedia Collection Analysis. In MM '15: proceedings of the 2015 ACM Multimedia Conference: October 26-30, 2015, Brisbane, Australia (pp. 231-240). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2015). Interactive Multimodal Learning for Venue Recommendation. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 17(12), 2235-2244. [details]


    • Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2014). Making Use of Semantic Concept Detection for Modelling Human Preferences in Visual Summarization. In CrowdMM'14: proceedings of the International Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia: November 7, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA (pp. 41-44). ACM. [details]
    • Zahálka, J., Rudinac, S., & Worring, M. (2014). New Yorker Melange: Interactive Brew of Personalized Venue Recommendation. In MM '14: proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Multimedia: November 3-7, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA (pp. 205-208). ACM. [details]


    • Rudinac, S., Hanjalic, A., & Larson, M. (2013). Generating Visual Summaries of Geographic Areas Using Community-Contributed Images. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 15(4), 921-932. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rudinac, S., Larson, M., & Hanjalic, A. (2013). Learning Crowdsourced User Preferences for Visual Summarization of Image Collections. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 15(6), 1231-1243. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Rudinac, S., Bozzon, A., Chua, T-S., Little, S., Gatica-Perez, D., & Aizawa, K. (Eds.) (2021). UrbanMM'21: proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Computing for Urban Data : October 20, 2021, Virtual Event, China. The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Gurrin, C., Jónsson, B. Þ., Péteri, R., Rudinac, S., Marchand-Maillet, S., Quénot, G., McGuinness, K., Guðmundsson, G. Þ., Little, S., Katsurai, M., & Healy, G. (Eds.) (2019). 2019 International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI): proceedings : September 4-6, 2019, held at: DCU All Hallows Campus, Dublin 9, Ireland . IEEE. [details]


    • Mazloom, M., Rietveld, R. L., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & van Dolen, W. M. (2016). Multi-modal post popularity in Social media, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI)-track. Paper presented at ICT.OPEN2016.
    • Mazloom, M., Rietveld, R. L., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & van Dolen, W. M. (2016). Multimodal Popularity Prediction of Brand-related Social Media Posts. Paper presented at European Data Forum 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
    • Mazloom, M., Rietveld, R. L., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & van Dolen, W. M. (2016). Multimodal Popularity Prediction of Brand-related Social Media Posts. Paper presented at Netherlands Conference on Computer Vision 2016, Lunteren, Netherlands.

    Prize / grant


    • Arya, D. (2022). Multimodal deep learning on hypergraphs. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Zahálka, J. (2017). The machine in multimedia analytics. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


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  • Ancillary activities
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