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Prof. dr. R.A. (Richard) Rogers

New Media and Digital Culture
Faculty of Humanities
Departement Mediastudies
Photographer: Eduard Lampe

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Rogers biographical sketch

    Research Sketch

    Prof. Richard Rogers is a Web epistemologist, an area of study where the main claim is that the Web is a knowledge culture distinct from other media. Rogers concentrates on the research opportunities that would have been improbable or impossible without the Internet. His research involves studying and building info-tools. He studies and makes use of the adjudicative or 'recommender' cultures of the Web that help to determine the reputation of information as well as organizations. The most well-known tool Rogers has developed with his colleagues is the Issue Crawler, a server-side Web crawler, co-link machine and graph visualizer. It locates what Rogers and colleagues have dubbed "issue networks" on the Web - densely interlinked clutches of NGOs, funders, governmental agencies, think tanks and lone scientists or scientific groups, working in the same issue area. Unlike social networks, issue networks do not privilege individuals and groups, asthe networks also may be made up of a news story, document, leak, database, image or other such items. Taken together these actors and 'argument objects' serve as a means to understand the state of an issue either in snapshots or over time. Some of the tools by Rogers and colleagues were featured at the ZKM, in the exhibition, entitled "Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy," curated by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel. More recently, Rogers and colleagues have developed a suite of tools for the capture and study of Web data. The tools form the infrastructure of the Digital Methods Initiative, which specialises in repurposing online devices (and 'methods of the medium') for research that goes beyond the study of online culture only. 

    Biographical Sketch    
    Richard Rogers is University Professor and holds the Chair in New Media & Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. He is also Director of the Foundation (Amsterdam) and the Digital Methods Initiative. Previously, Rogers worked as Senior Advisor to Infodrome, the Dutch Governmental Information Society initiative. He also has worked as a Researcher and Tutor in Computer Related Design at the Royal College of Art (London), Research Fellow in Design and Media at the Jan van Eyck Academy (Maastricht), and Researcher in Technology Assessment at the Science Center Berlin (WZB) and in Strategic Computing in the Public Sector at Harvard University (JFK School). He earned his PhD and MSc in Science Studies at the University of Amsterdam, and his B.A. in Government and German at Cornell University. Over the past decade, Rogers and the Foundation have received research grants from the Dutch Government, Soros Foundation, Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Mondriaan Foundation, MacArthur Foundation and the Gates Foundation. Recently, he was Annenberg Fellow at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania and Visiting Scholar in Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  Rogers is author of Technological Landscapes (Royal College of Art, London, 1999), editor of Preferred Placement: Knowledge Politics on the Web (Jan van Eyck Press, 2000), and author of Information Politics on the Web (MIT Press, 2004/2005), "the 2005 Best Information Science Book of the Year Award presented by the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST)." He is also author of The End of the Virtual (Amsterdam University Press, 2009). His book Digital Methods (with MIT Press, 2013) was awarded the best book of the year by the International Communication Association (ICA) in 2014. Rogers co-authored Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe (Amsterdam University Press, 2015) with Natalia Sanchez and Aleksandra Kil. His most recent book, Doing Digital Methods, is with Sage (2019). He is currently working on the book project, Critical Analytics for Social Media.

    Google Scholar page,
    Rogers Twitter handle @richardrogers

  • Publications


    • Koronska, K., & Rogers, R. (2024). Fact-checks versus problematic content in search rankings: SEO effects and the question of Google’s content moderation. In WEBSCI '24 : Reflecting on the Web, AI, and Society: Proceedings of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference 2024 : May 21-24, 2024 : University of Stuttgart, Germany (pp. 170-180). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Rogers, R. A. (2024). Doing Digital Methods. (2nd ed.) SAGE.
    • Rogers, R., & Giorgi, G. (2024). What is a meme, technically speaking? Information, Communication & Society, 27(1), 73-91. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rogers, R., & Zhang, X. (2024). The Russia–Ukraine War in Chinese Social Media: LLM Analysis Yields a Bias Toward Neutrality. Social Media + Society, 10(2), 1-12. [details]






    • Brügger, N., Milligan, I., Ben David, A., Gebeil, S., Nanni, F., Rogers, R., Turkel, W. J., Weber, M. S., & Webster, P. (2019). Internet histories and computational methods: a “round-doc” discussion. Internet Histories, 3(3-4), 202-222. [details]
    • Kok, S., & Rogers, R. (2019). Social media and Rwandan migration: a moral epistemology of return. In K. Mitchell, R. Jones, & J. L. Fluri (Eds.), Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration (pp. 327-343). (Research handbooks in geography). Edward Elgar. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2019). Doing Digital Methods. SAGE Publications Ltd. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2019). Engajados de outra maneira: As mídias sociais das métricas de vaidade à análise crítica. In J. J. Omena (Ed.), Métodos Digitais: Teoria-Prática-Crítica (pp. 73-96). (ICNOVA Books). ICNOVA — Instituto de Comunicação da Nova. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2019). Periodizing Web Archiving: Biographical, Event-Based, National and Autobiographical Traditions. In N. Brügger, & I. Milligan (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Web History (pp. 42-56). SAGE reference. [details]
    • Valerio-Ureña, G., & Rogers, R. (2019). Characteristics of the Digital Content about Energy-Saving in Different Countries around the World. Sustainability, 11(17), Article 4704. [details]
    • Venturini, T., & Rogers, R. (2019). “API-Based Research” or How can Digital Sociology and Journalism Studies Learn from the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica Data Breach. Digital Journalism, 7(4), 532-540. [details]


    • Gottschalk, S., Bernacchi, V., Rogers, R., & Demidova, E. (2018). Towards Better Understanding Researcher Strategies in Cross-Lingual Event Analytics. In E. Méndez, F. Crestani, C. Ribeiro, G. David, & J. Correia Lopes (Eds.), Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge: 22nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2018, Porto, Portugal, September 10–13, 2018 : proceedings (pp. 139-151). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11057). Springer. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2018). Aestheticizing Google critique: A 20-year retrospective. Big Data & Society, 5(1), 1-13. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2018). Digital methods for cross-platform analysis. In J. Burgess, A. Marwick, & T. Poell (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Social Media (pp. 91-110). Sage. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2018). Doing Web history with the Internet Archive: Screencast documentaries. In N. Brügger, G. Goggin, I. Milligan, & V. Schafer (Eds.), Internet Histories (pp. 160-172). Routledge., [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2018). Issuecrawling: Building Lists of URLs and Mapping Website Networks. In C. Lury, R. Fensham, A. Heller-Nicholas, S. Lammes, A. Last, M. Michael, & E. Uprichard (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods (pp. 169-175). (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2018). Otherwise Engaged: Social Media from Vanity Metrics to Critical Analytics. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 12, 450-472. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2018). Social Media Research after the Fake News Debacle. Partecipazione e Conflitto, 11(2), 557-570. [details]
    • Sánchez-Querubín, N., & Rogers, R. (2018). Connected Routes: Migration Studies with Digital Devices and Platforms. Social Media + Society, 4(1), 1-13. [details]
    • Venturini, T., Bounegru, L., Gray, J., & Rogers, R. (2018). A reality check(list) for digital methods. New Media & Society, 20(11), 4195-4217. [details]


    • Gottschalk, S., Demidova, E., Bernacchi, V., & Rogers, R. (2017). Ongoing Events in Wikipedia: A Cross-lingual Case Study. In WebSci'17: proceedings of the 2017 ACM Web Science Conference : June 25-28, 2017, Troy, NY, USA (pp. 387-388). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Kok, S., & Rogers, R. (2017). Rethinking migration in the digital age: Transglocalization and the Somali diaspora. Global Networks, 17(1), 23-46. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2017). Doing Web history with the Internet Archive: Screencast documentaries. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society , 1(1-2), 160-172. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2017). Foundations of Digital Methods: Query Design. In M. T. Schäfer, & K. van Es (Eds.), The Datafied Society: Studying Culture through Data (pp. 75-94). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Taibi, D., Fulantelli, G., Marenzi, I., Nejdl, W., Rogers, R., & Ijaz, A. (2017). SaR-WEB: A Semantic Web tool to support Search as Learning practices and cross-language results on the web. In M. Chang, N-S. Chen, R. Huang, Kinshuk, D. G. Sampson, & R. Vasiu (Eds.), ICALT 2017 : IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies: proceedings : 3-7 July 2017, Timisoara, Romania (pp. 522-524). IEEE Computer Society. [details]



    • Borra, E., Weltevrede, E., Ciuccarelli, P., Kaltenbrunner, A., Laniado, D., Magni, G., Mauri, M., Rogers, R., & Venturini, T. (2015). Societal Controversies in Wikipedia Articles. In CHI 2015 : Crossings: proceedings of the 33rd annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems : April 18-23, 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea (pp. 193-196). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Huurdeman, H. C., Kamps, J., Samar, T., de Vries, A. P., Ben-David, A., & Rogers, R. A. (2015). Lost but Not Forgotten: Finding Pages on the Unarchived Web. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 16(3-4), 247-265. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2015). Au-delà de la critique Big Data: La recherche sociale et politique à l’ère du numérique. In M. Severo, & A. Romele (Eds.), Traces numériques et Territoires (pp. 13-32). (Collection Territoires Numériques). Presses des Mines. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2015). Digital Methods for Web Research. In R. A. Scott, & S. M. Kosslyn (Eds.), Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences: An interdisciplinary, searchable, and linkable resource Wiley. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2015). Digitale Methoden für die Forschung im Netz. In M. Hagener, & V. Hediger (Eds.), Medienkultur und Bildung: Ästhetische Erziehung im Zeitalter digitaler Netzwerke (pp. 111-132). Frankfurt am Main: Campus. [details]
    • Rogers, R., Sánchez-Querubín, N., & Kil, A. (2015). Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe. Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Rogers, R. (2014). Foreword: Debanalising Twitter: The Transformation of an Object of Study. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt, & C. Puschmann (Eds.), Twitter and Society (pp. ix-xxvi). (Digital Formations; No. 89). Peter Lang. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2014). Nach dem Cyberspace: Big Data, Small Data. In R. Reichert (Ed.), Big Data: Analysen zum digitalen Wandel von Wissen, Macht und Ökonomie (pp. 173-188). (Digitale Gesellschaft; No. 3). Transcript . [details]


    • Rogers, R. (2013). Digital Methods. MIT Press. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2013). Debanalizing Twitter: The Transformation of an Object of Study. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, 2013: Paris, France : WebSci '13 (pp. 356-365). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2013). Internet Research: The Question of Method - A Keynote Address from the YouTube and the 2008 Election Cycle in the United States Conference. In C. Hine (Ed.), Virtual Research Methods (pp. 337-364). (SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods). Los Angeles: Sage. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2013). Koniec wirtualności - metody cyfrowe. In K. Łukasiewicza, & I. Topp (Eds.), Przyszłość w kulturze (pp. 313-340). (Prace kulturoznawcze; No. 15). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. [details]
    • Rogers, R., Weltevrede, E., Borra, E., & Niederer, S. (2013). National Web Studies: The Case of Iran Online. In J. Hartley, J. Burgess, & A. Bruns (Eds.), A Companion to New Media Dynamics (pp. 142-166). Blackwell. [details]



    • Rogers, R. (2011). Das Ende des Virtuellen: Digitale Methoden. Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, 2011(2 (5)), 61-77. [details]
    • Rogers, R., & Marres, N. (2011). Landscaping Climate Change: A Mapping Technique for Understanding Science and Technology Debates on the World Wide Web. In L. Prior (Ed.), Using Documents and Records in Social Research (Vol. 4, pp. 327-352). (Sage benchmarks in social research methods). London: Sage. [details]


    • Rogers, R. (2010). Internet Research: The Question of Method - A Keynote Address from the YouTube and the 2008 Election Cycle in the United States Conference. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 7(2/3), 241-260. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2010). Mapping public web space with the Issuecrawler. In B. Reber, & C. Broussard (Eds.), Digital cognitive technologies: epistemology and the knowledge society (pp. 89-99). ISTE with Wiley. [details]
    • Rogers, R. A., & Ben-David, A. (2010). Coming to Terms: A conflict analysis of the usage, in official and unofficial sources, of 'security fence', 'apartheid wall', and other terms for the structure between Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Media, War and Conflict, 3(2), 202-229. [details]


    • Rogers, R. (2009). Mapping ECulture, eCultuur, E-cultuur or e-culture: Richard Rogers in conversation with Annet Dekker. In C. Brickwood (Ed.), Mapping E-culture (pp. 10-15). Virtueel Platform. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2009). Post-democraphic machines. In A. Dekker, & A. Wolfsberger (Eds.), Walled garden (pp. 29-39). Virtueel Platform. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2009). The googlization question: towards the inculpable engine? In K. Becker, & F. Stalder (Eds.), Deep search: the politics of search beyond Google (pp. 173-184). Innsbruck. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2009). The internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it? A new media approach to the study of state internet censorship. In J. Parikka, & T. D. Sampson (Eds.), The spam book: on viruses, porn, and other anomalies from the dark side of digital culture (pp. 229-247). Hampton Press. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2009). Zur Frage der Vergoogelung: hin zu einer unkritisierbaren Machine? In K. Becker, & F. Stalder (Eds.), Deep search: Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google (pp. 193-206). Innsbruck. [details]


    • Marres, N., & Rogers, R. (2008). Subsuming the ground: how local realities of the Ferghana valley, the Narmada dams and the BTC pipeline are put to use on the web. Economy and Society, 37(2), 251-281. [details]
    • Rogers, R. (2008). Consumer technology after surveillance theory. In J. Kooijman, P. Pisters, & W. Strauven (Eds.), Mind the screen : media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser (pp. 288-296). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Rogers, R., & Ben-David, A. (2008). The Palestinian-Israeli peace process and trans-national issue networks: the complicated place of the Israeli NGO. New Media & Society, 10(3), 497-528. [details]


    • Rogers, R. (2007). Faire la cartographie de l'espace public sur le Web à l'aide de Issuecrawler. In C. Brossaud, & B. Reber (Eds.), Humanités numeriques. - Vol. 1: Nouvelles technologies cognitives et épistémologie (pp. 117-127). (Cognition et traitement de l'information). Paris: Hermès Science.


    • Marres, N. S., & Rogers, R. A. (2005). Recipe for Tracing the Fate of Issues and their Publics on the Web. In B. Latour, & P. Weibel (Eds.), Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy (pp. 922-935). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    • Rogers, R. A. (2005). New Media Effects: Do Formats Organize Networks? Complexity, 10(5), 22-34.
    • Rogers, R. A. (2005). Old and New Media: Competition and Political Space. Theory & Event, 8(2).
    • Rogers, R. A. (2005). Poignancy in the U.S. Political Blogsphere. Aslib Proceedings, 57(4), 356-368.
    • Rogers, R. A., & Marres, N. S. (2005). French Scandals on the Web, and on the Streets: A Small Experiment in Stretching the Limits of Reported Reality. In Z. Baber (Ed.), CyberAsia: The Internet & Society in Asia (pp. 119-136). Boston: Brill.


    • Rogers, R. (2004). Information Politics on the Web. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.



    • Rogers, R. (2002). Operating Issue Networks on the Web. Science as Culture, 11(2), 191-214. [details]
    • Rogers, R., & Marres, N. (2002). French scandals on the web, and on the streets: a small experiment in stretching the limits of reported reality. Asian Journal of Social Science, 30(2), 339-353. [details]
    • Rogers, R., & Zelman, A. (2002). Surfing for Knowledge in the Information Society. In G. Elmer (Ed.), Critical Perspectives on the Internet (pp. 63-86). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. [details]


    • Marres, N., & Rogers, R. (2000). Depluralising the web and repluralising public debate: the case of the GM food debate on the web. In R. Rogers (Ed.), Preferred placement: knowledge politics on the Web (pp. 113-135). (Jan van Eyck Akademie editions). Amsterdam: De Balie. [details]
    • Rogers, R. A. (2000). Technological Landscapes. London: Royal College of Art.
    • Rogers, R. A. (2000). Internet & Society" in Armenia and Azerbaijan? Web Games and a Chronicle of an Infowar. First Monday, 5(9).
    • Rogers, R., & Marres, N. (2000). Landscaping climate change: a mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the world wide web. Public Understanding of Science, 9(2), 141-163. [details]


    • Rogers, R. (2022). Preface: The Politics of Association on Display. In T. Venturini, & A. K. Munk (Eds.), Controversy Mapping: A Field Guide Polity Press.


    • Rogers, R. (2021). Foreword: Web archiving comes of age. In D. Gomes, E. Demidova, J. Winters, & T. Risse (Eds.), The Past Web : Exploring Web Archives (pp. vii-ix). Springer. [details]
    • Rogers, R., & Pournaki, A. (2021). Dov’è l’urgenza nel discorso sul cambiamento climatico? = Where is the urgency in the climate change discourse? In L. Steels, & C. Sartoris (Eds.), Aqua Granda: Una memoria collettiva digitale = A digital community memory (pp. 93-109). Science Gallery Venice. [details]



    • Borra, E., Laniado, D., Weltevrede, E., Mauri, M., Magni, G., Venturini, T., Ciuccarelli, P., Rogers, R., & Kaltenbrunner, A. (2015). A Platform for Visually Exploring the Development of Wikipedia Articles. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Web and Social Media: ICWSM 2015: University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, May 26-29, 2015 (pp. 711-712). AAAI Press. [details]


    • Kaltenbrunner, A., Laniado, D., Ciuccarelli, P., Mauri, M., Rogers, R., Borra, E., Weltevrede, E., & Venturini, T. (2014). Contropedia: Analysis and visualization of controversies within Wikipedia articles . Software
    • Rogers, R. (2014). Political Research in the Digital Age. International Public Policy Review, 8(1), 73-87. [details]
    • Sánchez Querubín, N., Venturini, T., Meunier, A., Munk, A. K., Borra, E. K., Rieder, B., Mauri, M., Azzi, M., Rogers, R. A., & Bounegru, L. (2014). Climaps: A Global Issue Atlas of Climate Change Adaptation. Web publication or website


    • Davis, H., Halpin, H., Pentland, A., Bernstein, M., Adamic, L., Alani, H., Monnin, A., & Rogers, R. (Eds.) (2013). Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, 2013: Paris, France : WebSci '13. Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Rogers, R., & Marres, N. (2013). Landscaping Climate Change: A Mapping Technique for Understanding Science and Technology Debates on the World Wide Web. In C. Hine (Ed.), Virtual Research Methods (Vol. 3, pp. 213-238). (Sage benchmarks in social research methods). Los Angeles: Sage. [details]



    • Rogers, R. A. (2000). Preferred Placement: Knowledge Politics on the Web. Maastricht: Jan van Eyck Akademie.



    • Rogers, R. A. (2020). Wie neutral sind Suchmaschinen und soziale Medien? Media Policy Lab.




    • Rogers, R. (2010). Post-demografisch onderzoek: voorbij het doelgroepdenken. De Gids, 173(3), 344-355. [details]


    • Rogers, R. (2009). The end of the virtual: Digital methods. (Inaugural lecture; No. 339). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]
    • Rogers, R. A., & Stevenson, M. P. (2009). Digital Methods: First Steps. EASST Review, 28(2), 4-6.


    • Rogers, R. A. (2004). When Government meets Public Debate. EASST Review, 23(1), 7-9.
    • Rogers, R. A. (2004). Why Map? The Techno-epistemological Outlook. In M. Tuters (Ed.), Acoustic Space: Trans Cultural Mapping (Vol. 5, pp. 64-67). Riga: RIXC, The Center for New Media Culture.


    • Rogers, R. (2002). Towards a live social science on the Web. EASST Review, 21(3/4), 2-4. [details]


    • Rogers, R. A. (2000). Internet & Society in Armenia & Azerbaijan? Web games and a chronicle of an infowar. EASST Review, 19(3), 3-7.

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  • Ancillary activities
    • Foundation