Judith Rispens is hoogleraar Nederlandse Taalkunde (Dutch Linguistics) at the department of Dutch. Currently she is the director of LOT. You can find an overview of my publications here.
Research interests
Current externally funded research projects:
Completed externally funded research projects:
Ph.D. students:
Akke de Blauw (thesis defended 16-01-2015): Precursors of narrative ability: an in-depth study of three Dutch children (with Anne Baker)
Tiffany Boersma (thesis defended 09-03-2018): The acquisition of morphophonology (with Anne Baker and Fred Weerman)
Hernan Labbe Grunberg (thesis defended April 2020): Automatic unconscious processing of Dutch morphosyntax by L2 speakers (with Fred Weerman and Jan Don)
Merel van Witteloostuijn (thesis defended June 2020): Procedural learning in children with developmental dyslexia (Vidi project, with Paul Boersma and Frank Wijnen)
Imme Lammertink (thesis defended June 2020): Procedural learning in children with specific language impairment (Vidi project, with Paul Boersma and Frank Wijnen)
Sybren Spit (thesis defend February 2022): Awareness and instruction when kindergarteners acquire grammar (with Sible Andringa and Enoch Aboh)
Nihayra Leona: Improving the acquisition of English at school (ORWELL project, with Patrick Snellings, Jurgen Tijms and Maurits van der Molen)
Iris Broedelet (defended 8 February 2023): Lexical-semantic deficits in children with developmental language disorders: the role of implicit statistical learning (NWO: PhD in the Humanities grant with Paul Boersma)
Natalia Rivera-Vera (defended 6 June 2024): The effect of speaker reliability in adult cross-situational word learning (with Padraic Monaghan, Sible Andringa and Edmundo Kronmuller)
Lani Freeborn: Language aptitude (with Sible Andringa)
Jie Fu (defended 8 December 2023): Metaphors in aphasia (with Suzanne Aalberse and Marianna Bolongesi)
Heleen de Vries: Does language count? Numeracy, language and statistical learning in children with and without Developmental Language Disorder (NWO: PhD in the Humanities with Caitlin Meyer and Alla Peeters-Podgaevskaja)
Klaartje Dalderop: Connectedness is key (with Sible Andringa)
Marijke van der Liende: The association between spoken. and written comprehension (NWA Consortium route with Elise de Bree)
Elise van Wonderen: Pragmatic abilities in multlingual children (with Josje Verhagen and Kimberley Mulder within the Multicue Vidi grant of Josje Verhagen
Judith is associate editor of the journal First Language
BA Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur
RMA Linguistics and communication
BA Cognition, Language and Communication
RMA Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Projects for students
Students who are interested in doing a project (stage or scriptie) in the area of language development, language disorders or language learning can contact me. Projects involve setting up an experimental design (including ERP), assessing children and/or analysing the experimental data.
Former projects
I am also a trained speech and language therapist (MA University of Reading, 1999)
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