I work as a labmanager in the soil and environmental chemistry laboratories of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) (http://ibed.uva.nl/research/research-facilities/soil-and-environmental-chemistry-laboratories/soil-and-environmental-chemistry-laboratories.html)
Available equipment in the lab to determine the (in)organic composition of soils and water includes ICP/OES for (trace) metals, an auto analyzer for the detection of anions such as nitrates and phosphates, CHN and TOC analyzers to quantify organic substances (C, N) in solid and liquid samples. In relation to this, we have facilities for soil texture analysis, soil physical properties, as well as several selective extraction methods.
To determine the composition of natural and anthropogenic organic substances we have a well equipped chromatography lab that includes GC/MS, pyrolysis-GC/MS, LC/MS and LC/MS/MS.
Furthermore we have two isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS) for the analysis of stable isotopes (13C, 15N, 2H, 18O) in solid, liquid, gaseous samples, which are coupled to TOC, (high temperature) combustion and pyrolysis (solids/liquids) elemental analyzers, or GC to allow for compound specific isotopic measurements by GC/IRMS. With the analyses of stable isotopes in environmental samples, from soils to sediment, water and plants we study:
We have a RESPICOND respiration measurement facility to study transformations of organic matter and a glovebox for studies under anoxic conditions. In addition, concentrations of trace gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) can by quantified by GC.
Sample preparation facilities include a variety of extraction methods including Soxhlet, microwave, solid-phase (SPE) and accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), as well as a range of selective extraction methods for metals and organic substances.
Examples of research conducted in the laboratory include: i) the study of the molecular dynamics of organic matter transformations in soils to elucidate the role of soils in the global carbon cycle, ii) the presence and functioning of signaling chemicals in soils to study the interactions between above and belowground biodiversity, iii) the fate of anthropogenic substances in soil, sediment and water such as flame retardants, antibiotics, surfactants and polyfluorinated compounds, iv) biogeochemical cycling of elements (C, N, P) in soils and waters. The labs provide services to all three IBED themes and to colleagues from other Institutes from within and outside the UvA.
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Member of the board of the Benelux Association of Stable Isotope Scientists (BASIS)
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