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Dr. S.E. (Stephanie) Rap

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Forensic Child and Youth Care
Photographer: Ron Koffeman

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Biography

    Dr Stephanie Rap is assistant professor at Programme group: Forensic Child and Youth Care. She holds master’s degrees in Pedagogical sciences (2006) and Criminology (2008, Utrecht University). In 2013 she defended her PhD dissertation titled, The participation of juvenile defendants in the youth court: A comparative study of juvenile justice procedures in Europe at Utrecht University. This involved a legal and empirical comparative study on youth justice system in Europe. 

    Stephanie's research interest lies in the field of the effective participation of children in (judicial) procedures and decision-making. She studies child participation in diverse (judicial and administrative) procedures and settings, such as in youth justice, child care and protection, asylum procedures and in schools. In her research she employs an interdisciplinary approach, combining international children’s rights and child law with knowledge and theory from social sciences. Currently, she conducts a post-doc research on the participation of refugee and migrant children in the Dutch asylum procedure, funded by the Dutch Research Council. In 2020 she received the KNAW Early Career Award. Stephanie has been involved in numerous research projects and she frequently collaborates with (inter)national organisations and NGO’s. She is a member of the editorial board of the Flemish journal Tijdschrift voor Jeugd en Kinderrechten.

  • Publications



    • Defoe, I. N., Rap, S. E., & Romer, D. (2022). Adolescents’ own views on their risk behaviors, and the potential effects of being labeled as risk-takers: A commentary and review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 945775. [details]
    • Huls, E., Rap, S., & van den Brink, Y. (2022). Responses to serious offending by children in northwestern Europe. In N. Lynch, Y. van den Brink, & L. Forde (Eds.), Responses to serious offending by children: Principles, practice and global perspectives (pp. 174-184). (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice). Routledge. [details]
    • Rap, S. (2022). ‘A test that is about your life’: The involvement of refugee children in asylum application proceedings in the Netherlands. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 41(2), 298–319. [details]


    • Rap, S. E. (2021). Design of Justice. De jeugdrechtbank van de toekomst. Tijdschrift voor Jeugd en Kinderrechten, 22(4), 94-107. [details]
    • Rap, S. E., & Klep, K. F. M. (2021). Child participation as the holy grail: Effective and meaningful participation in judicial proceedings? In C. Boost, A. Broderick, F. Coomans, & R. Moerland (Eds.), Myth or lived reality: On the (in)effectiveness of human rights (pp. 161-181). Asser Press. [details]
    • Schmidt, E. P., Rap, S. E., & Liefaard, T. (2021). Young Adults in the Justice System: The Interplay between Scientific Insights, Legal Reform and Implementation in Practice in The Netherlands. Youth Justice, 21(2), 172-191. [details]


    • Rap, S. E. (2020). The right to information of (un)accompanied refugee children: Improving refugee children’s legal position, fundamental rights’ implementation and emotional well-being in the Netherlands. International Journal of Children's Rights, 28(2), 322-351. [details]


    • Rap, S., Verkroost, D., & Bruning, M. (2019). Children’s participation in Dutch youth care practice: an exploratory study into the opportunities for child participation in youth care from professionals’ perspective. Child Care in Practice, 25(1), 37-50.


    • Rap, S. E., & Zlotnik, D. (2018). The Right to Legal and Other Appropriate Assistance for Child Suspects and Accused: Reflections on the Directive on Procedural Safeguards for Children who are Suspects or Accused Persons in Criminal Proceedings. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 26(2), 110-131.


    • Boone, M., van der Kooij, M., & Rap, S. (2017). The highly reintegrative approach of electronic monitoring in the Netherlands. European Journal of Probation, 9(1), 46-61.


    • Rap, S. (2016). A Children's Rights Perspective on the Participation of Juvenile Defendants in the Youth Court. International Journal of Children's Rights, 24(1), 93-112.



    • Huls, E., Asscher, J., van den Brink, Y., Creemers, H., Liefaard, T., & Rap, S. (2022). Strafmaat en strafdoelen in ernstige jeugd- en adolescentenstrafzaken: Opvattingen van magistraten over de sanctionering van 16- tot 23-jarige daders van ernstige gewelds- en zedenmisdrijven. VU. [details]
    • Klep, K., Rap, S., & Pattyn, V. (2022). How to research independent children’s rights institutions: Lessons learned from the evaluation of the Dutch children’s ombudsman. In A. Lux, & B. Gran (Eds.), The roles of independent children’s rights institutions in advancing human rights of children (pp. 55-73). (Sociological studies of children and youth; Vol. 28). Emerald Publishing. [details]




    • Rap, S. (2022). Nederland telt veel (alleenstaande) kinderen onder de vluchtelingen die zich hier melden. Doet het kabinet genoeg om hen te beschermen? Didactief, 11.


    • Demarsin, B., Rap, S. E., & Siongers, J. (2021). Kinderrechten, kunst en cultuur. Tijdschrift voor Jeugd en Kinderrechten, 22(4), 3-8.
    • Rap, S. E., & Gaudard, M. A. C. (2021). Acceso a la justicia para niños y niñas refugiados y migrantes: Justicia adaptada a los niños y niñas en el contexto de la migración. In N. Espejo Yaksic (Ed.), Acceso a la justicia y protección integral de los derechos de las niñas y los niños en contextos de movilidad internacional (pp. 189-230). Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación. [details]


    • Asscher, J. J., van den Brink, Y. N., Creemers, H. E., Huls, E., van Logchem, E. K., Lynch, N., & Rap, S. E. (2020). De strafmaat voor jeugdige daders van ernstige gewelds- en zedenmisdrijven in internationaal perspectief. (WODC rapport; No. 3126). Boom juridisch. [details]

    Media appearance


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