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E.G. (Emily) Ragus

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Moving Matters: People, Goods, Power and Ideas
Area of expertise: Environmental Disasters, Arts-based research, Disaster response, Humanitarian aid

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Profile

    Emily Ragus is a PhD candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam, where she is part of the program group "Moving Matters: People, Goods, Power, and Ideas." Her research focuses on bodily health during environmental disasters, specifically looking at injuries and recovery. Prior to her current academic pursuits, Emily has accumulated over 15 years of experience in clinical disaster management and humanitarian aid, having worked in various violent contexts of both conflict and environmental disasters.

  • Research

    Research methods

    • Observational ethnography
    • Focus groups
    • Arts-based research methods
    • Visual anthropology

    Research grants & honours

  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities