Pramiti Parwani is a PhD candidate at the Law Centre for Health and Life and the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG) at the Amsterdam Law School. Her PhD examines how the legal and institutional frameworks in the European Union and India influence the ‘capabilities’ of least developed countries to access pandemic vaccines for their populations. Pramiti combines third world approaches to international law (TWAIL) with the Capabilites Approach in her work, to examine barriers at different stages of the vaccine supply chain- from research and development, to manufacturing capacity to regulatory approval.
She is associated with the INDIGO project, which brings together a consortium of public and private organisations from the EU, India and US, and is jointly funded by the European Commission, as part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, and India’s Department of Biotechnology.
Pramiti teaches in the 'Global Health and International Law' course, together with Dr. Katrina Perehudoff, in the UvA Bachelors of Law minor in International Law.
She graduated from the LL.M. in International Law at the Graduate Institute, Geneva (summa cum laude, 2020) and received her law degree at NUJS, Kolkata in India (2019).
She is also affiliated with the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development.