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M.C. (Maria) Parisi

Faculty of Humanities
Logic and Language

Visiting address
  • Oude Turfmarkt 141
  • Room number: 3.01A
Postal address
  • Postbus 94201
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Bloem, J., Parisi, M. C., Reynaert, M., Oortwijn, Y., & Betti, A. (2020). Distributional Semantics for Neo-Latin. In R. Sprugnoli, & M. Passarotti (Eds.), 1st Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages, (LT4HALA 2020): Proceedings : LREC 2020 Workshop, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 11–16 May 2020 (pp. 84-93). European Language Resources Association (ELRA). [details]

    Membership / relevant position

    • Parisi, M. (2022). Member of Advisory Committee for Faculty of Humanities Research Director (AIHR), .
    • Parisi, M. (2021). ILLC Representative at PhD Council of the Faculty of Humanities, .

    Talk / presentation

    • Parisi, M. (speaker) (1-2-2023). Mathematics & Scientific Explanation in Antiquity: A Slow Science and Big Data Study, Kolloquium Phänomenologie der Digital Humanities, online.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) (27-1-2023). Aristotle's on scientific demonstrations. Disentangling Logical and Metaphysical Necessity in Posterior Analytics II.11, OIKOS Work in Progress Day, Leiden.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) (9-12-2022). Aristotle's on scientific demonstrations. Disentangling Logical and Metaphysical Necessity in Posterior Analytics II.11, OZSW Course The History of Philosophy and the Sciences, Groningen.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) (24-5-2022). Guest Lecture 'What does a PhD researcher in the History of (ancient) Philosophy do?', History of Philosophy: Unresolved Issues , Amsterdam.
    • Parisi, M. (invited speaker) & Oortwijn, Y. (invited speaker) (15-4-2021). Distributional Semantics for Neo-Latin, Neo-Latin Studies and Digital Humanities.
    • Parisi, M. (invited speaker) (12-3-2021). Mathematics & Scientific Explanation in Antiquity: A Slow Science and Big Data Study, Workshop on Neoplatonism and the Sciences,.
    • Parisi, M. (invited speaker) & Betti, A. (invited speaker) (1-3-2021). Computational History of (Ancient) Ideas, Digital Classics Workshop, Oikos National Research School in Classical Studies.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) (20-11-2020). Guest Lecture 'Computational History of Ideas: preliminaries and corpus-building', Data-driven History of Ideas, online.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) (30-10-2020). A Digital History of Philosophy, Agora - VU History of Philosophy seminar, online.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) & Salway, A. (speaker) (20-10-2020). Developing a database and associated tools for corpus building, eIdeas Seminar , online.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) (19-5-2020). Guest Lecture 'Computational History of Ideas: preliminaries and corpus-building', History of Ideas: Foundational Topics and Computational Applications, online.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) (14-2-2020). Aristotle’s Mereology, Logic and Philosophy, Amsterdam.
    • Parisi, M. (speaker) & van den Berg, H. (speaker) (10-2-2020). Expert Annotations, eIdeas Seminar, Zuidoostbeemster.
    • Parisi, M. (invited speaker) (7-2-2020). Hylomorphism and The Principles of Extensionality, Workshop Propositions, properties, sets, and other abstract objects.


    • Parisi, M. (organiser), Martijn, M. (organiser) & de Haas, F. (organiser) (13-10-2023 - 15-10-2023). 14th conference of the Academia Platonica Septima Monasteriensis, Procli in Euclidis elementa commentarii prologus, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities